I've been on Mirapex for years and Gabapentin for a year. Both work well, i sleep 5-6 hours, and experience no RLS. After reading posts on here, I feel guilty for taking both meds, but if they work well, why is that so frowned upon? Isn't the ultimate goal relief and peace?
Mirapex guilt: I've been on Mirapex for... - Restless Legs Syn...
Mirapex guilt

Please don’t feel guilty. Everyone’s RLS journey is vastly different. You have found what works for you and that is great! Pleased for you!
Nobody is frowning on any medication being taken by anyone.
Some posters who may be taking high doses of Mirapex (DAs) or even starting out on them, are warned about the consequences of potential augmentation. ( It comes up too often to be just ignored)
If you are choosing to feel guilty- well, that's your concern, but it certainly shouldn't be a takeout from this forum.
And, anyone piling guilt on a poster would be soon jumped upon by the rest of the community.🤣🤗😎
I'm so glad you have found a formula that works for you-- keep it up .
Gaula, you are among the +/- 20% who seem to escape augmentation - be glad of it, as Mirapex does work wonderfully well.
The studies that have been done cover only eight to ten years, and those studies show that after eight years about 20% to 25% of patients have escaped unscathed.
Enjoy it!
Thank you all for your replies. I guess that when I read the posts on here, my heart breaks for those struggling. I also did with no help from the medical community. Many times screaming with frustration. This forum is so wonderful. I know I have to own my guilty feelings. No one here has contributed to that. I only wish everyone could find comfort and peace also.
Hi, you have no reason to feel guilty so please dont woorry yourself We are all individuals and use different treatment methods to what works for ourselves.
The more the merrier - to say - don't feel guilty
In some respects , logically, it's better to take two medications at a lower dose of each because you get the combined therapeutic effect and possibly half the side effects.
Some members on here will groan if and when they read this but I've found that some psychological therapies can help when dealing with situations like this. They think I'm saying that they can treat RLS. This is obviously not the case.
I'm thinking at the moment of Mindfulness CBT. I'm not suggesting you try this, but there is a basic tenet of it that might be appropriate for you which is simply this
be kind to yourself
if you suspect that you are doing something wrong, (which you aren't anyway) congratulate yourself for recognising it, rather than punishing yourself.
sorry gaula - i dont take mirapex - am on gabapentin - hope you get help from other members - sandra
With RLS, it is whatever works, so if your current medications work, that is good. No need to feel guilty. I also take a combination (Methadone and gabapentin). I was one of the people that developed augmentation on Mirapex so I had to be weaned off of it - a horrible process I wouldn't wish on anyone. The only caution I would give you is that if you find that your doctor is having to increase your mirapex dosage to control your RLS, suggest to him/her that perhaps you are developing augmentation. If they scoff at the idea of augmentation, find another doctor. Not everyone develops it, but it is important to recognize it if it happens so that you don't have to come off a heavier dosage than necessary. It usually manifests itself by giving you symptoms of restlessness in your shoulders and other parts of your body - not just your legs.
Why are you on gabapentin if the Mirapex works?