My legs and feet and want 2 no if any 1 suffers the same as me and how sore it is.
My Question is that aye would like 2 ... - Restless Legs Syn...
My Question is that aye would like 2 no if there's any1 out there suffering the same problem as me aye have Dieabetic Neurothphy in

Yes, I also have diabetic neuropathy along with RLS. It is very painful, burning sensation and there is almost nothing that works to relieve it.
Hi there like you I also suffer from periveral neuropathy caused by the diabetes I have been to hell and back with the pain I now use morphine patches I was getting a good bit of peace but since I was diagnosed with RLS IT IS All kicking off again & I can’t remember when I last had a good night’s sleep take care of yourself Allan Greenock
Yes I have neuropathy in my left leg and foot along with rls and it’s as you describe. It’s not diabetic related, it’s related to a trapped nerve during an operation. It’s awful. Doctor gave me gabapentin which has eased my symptoms
I describe it as being plugged into an electric socket with numbness also
Hi scottishguy. I’ve been diabetic for 30 years & have had neuropathy for most of it. It started with my feet then hands/fingers & now is also in my arms, legs, chest, back & 1 side of my face. Sometimes it feels like someone is zapping me with a cattle prod 😳. I’m on 1200 mg of Gabapentin & was on 120 mg of Cymbalta (an antidepressant that is also used for neuropathy) but NOTHING makes it go away. The best advice I can give is to see your Dr regularly, take your meds or insulin on time & monitor your blood sugars like a hawk. If you keep your sugars within normal limits it will slow the progression of neuropathy. It really sucks when you have neuropathy & RLS. Good luck.
There are 5 toxins most people ingest daily that can exacerbate RLS as well as many other disease conditions such as neuropathy.The best explanation i have seen for this and how to reduce and eliminate them is found here:
Neuropathy in my feet and working up my legs. I am going to have the 2nd toe on right foot amputated.
I rotate 1% Hydrocortisone Cream, Tea Tree Oil Spray (from Amazon 2-4 oz bottles for $9 or$9 for 1 bottle - this is mixed with some other oil and Dermoplast Spray (for cuts etc also from Amazon. When one of these quit working I use another one for a few days. Yesterday & today my little toe on left foot won’t settle down so I have been using Dermo plays on just that toe. My wife doesn’t like the smell ofthe tea tree oil but it works good. Can’tuseit For too many days because it will start irratating the skin. Are you legs swollen. If so buy compression socks immediately. Amazon has some for $12 (or did have). I started to have cellulitis (infection under the skin) and edema (fluid in the legs). Be very careful!! I am developing sores between my toes also. Diabetes is one of the worst things to get. Get under the care of a good diabetes doctor