I have been taking 300 mg an hour before bed for several months now. Seems to work very well, until recently I am not getting the same results. Thoughts? Please and thank you
GABA doses that work for bedtime? - Restless Legs Syn...
GABA doses that work for bedtime?

You might have to up it to 600, or by 100 every few nights- in consultation with your doctor.
Also check what might be triggering the rls. Plenty of instances on this site.
Good luck.
Thank you and yes I have an appt in a few weeks. Triggers are so endless. Some days I think it’s the way the wind blows. 🤷♀️
I know how you feel!
Raising agent in biscuits/ cookies sets me off. Alcohol, high salt, artificial sweeteners, processed meats (sulphites etc) , msg and I don't know what more. All affect me.
Sometimes I wonder is life worth it.
But then my grandchildren tell me they " love you Papa" and all is changed!🤡😆🤠
My sincere apologies. The above first reply relates to the use of Gabapentin only. Not any other medication.
I had never come across " Gaba" other than as shortening for Gabapentin.
There is a great deal of discussion about GABA's ability to cross the BBB, whether it can at all, and if in fact it is mediated by the enteric nervous system and the vagus nerve.
Here is a pretty exhaustive paper that covers all the angles.
The most interesting bit for me is the information, right at the end, that the combination of GABA and L-arginine just may be the way to go. It would be worth trying.
Have you tried the GABA/L-Arginine combo? I've tried GABA and Pharma-GABA, both had no effect on sleep or RLS.
I just ordered this product. They use some of the information in the article combining GABA with Nitrous Oxide precursors. I'll report on any effectiveness.
Have you been taking GABA, the otc supplement? Or gabapentin, the alpha2delta ligand, known as an anti epilepsy medicine, but also tested and proven effective for RLS?
Reduced effectiveness over time of medicines happens, some people are more prone to it than others. If you take gabapentin, discuss with your doctor. Madlegs has good advice to look at triggers. It is a pain in the butt, but it may help to keep a diary. And to go slow when you and your doctor decide to increase the gabapentin dose. Another advice from me is that when your doctor advises to up the dose, please don’t keep on doing that, but discuss when loss of effectiveness happens again.
Hi..I was interested to read your comment on GABA before bedtime..and then results changing.
I too have tried different things just before bed...works at first and after awhile doesn't..?
Rls is really elusive to treat.. I've tried iron.. magnesium..valerian.. mineral complex.... even bar of chocolate.
However..my latest hope is from a member on here who gave me a link to a wonderful site..
I've had a look and because it's quite informative and interesting and complex..I'm going to library to print it out...
It's very knowledgeable about certain herbs and minerals and also eliminating certain foods that causes inflammation in our body and cells which disrupts the nerve pathways and even the coating of the nerves.. which gets worn away (myelin).
I'll did it out and send link to you.
Best wishes
Hi..this is Jan again... with a link that another kind member sent me.
Hope it helps..it's really worth studying I think..
It's given me hope anyway.
ricure.com/daily intake for an absolute cure for restless legs syndrome.
It's worth reading all of it.
There's mention of GABA and many other things.
Good luck
If you type in :
Daily intake for an absolute cure for restless legs syndrome..
The right page should come up..
It's nothing about prices or buying anything...thats a different page..(which I don't understand ).
Please let me know what you think of it.
Actually.. I've been checking that website again..
It's American I think.. anyway..the best way to get to the right page is..
Google or from browser search type in:
An absolute cure for RLS: your daily intake of herbs vitamins minerals and supplements..
Sorry about confusion..but I'm trying to get to the right page.
Thank you so much
Try taking it earlier. I see Dr. Christopher Early at Johns Hopkins and he has advised me to take it earlier so it has time to absorb. Also said not to get in bed until you are very, very sleepy.