RLS almost gone since I excluded all grains from my diet. It seems I am gluten sensitive. My wife found a book by Dr David Perlmutter titled “Grain Drain”. Well worth reading. Hope it helps.
Promising result: RLS almost gone since... - Restless Legs Syn...
Promising result

Great to have found what triggers it for you.
Many have found that diet plays an important part in rls.
Long may you continue to remain free.
I've removed gluten AND dairy - my body has never been this quiet, (although still taking Targinact), even with a belly full of drugs.
Delighted things going good for you.
Please don't remove ALL grains from your diet. That leads to a very unbalanced diet. We need whole grains as part of a healthy diet. Fo one thing, our beneficial gut bacteria need the fiber from grains to thrive. Without that, the harmful gut bacteria can take over and cause health issues. If you think you may be gluten sensitive, you might try eliminating just the gluten-containing grains, like wheat. Many other grains like oats contain no gluten.
Also, consider the form of the grains you were eating. If you were eating a lot of bread, cakes, muffins, etc., made with flour (especially refined flour), that form is more likely to be an RLS trigger than whole-grain forms. Also, the sugar in some of those forms is known to be a trigger for many of us.
Please try experimenting to find a way to keep whole grains in your diet but in a way that works for you and reduces your RLS symptoms. You will likely cause yourself other health problems if you continue with a no-grains diet. Good luck!
Thanks for the warning but the Mrs has been hot on this and has found a loaf of seeds "Heart of Nature" in Waitrose plus I like my porridge. We eat maize, buckwheat etc., There's a good list in the book. Worth a read.
Hi! Interesting post. My husband has also warned me against excluding all grains. There is a crisp bread here in Norway called «knekkebrød» that I like which is gluten free. It is made up of different seeds and is therefore rich in protein and very good for you.
Tell me, do you know if different grains contain different amounts of gluten? If so, is the varying amounts of gluten the thing that is the trigger for some (as opposed to being sensitive to all gluten)? The reason I ask is because I can fall asleep after eating a pizza at one restaurant and be okay after eating a same-sized pizza at another. Is there maybe varying amounts of gluten in different types of dough?
Anyway....I am going to investigate this for my case.

Hi, Sails, yes, I believe different grains have different amounts of gluten. Wheat seems to be the highest, with others well behind. I don't have a list off the top of my head, but some googling should give you that.
With pizza dough, I believe most of all shops use a high-gluten wheat flour, where pure gluten is actually added to the flour to make the dough more stretchy without breaking. I imagine that different shops may use different amounts of added gluten, so that could account for your experience.
To complicate things, there are other proteins in wheat that some researchers believe may be the real cause of the apparent "gluten sensitivity", or an additional factor, at least.
Thanks for your reply! That’s what I suspected re the pizza dough.
Dr. Perlmutter has received considerable criticism from the medical and research community for his tendency to draw broad, unsupported conclusions from very poor or no evidence. Please see the "Criticism" section of the Wikipedia page on him:
It's always good to never take any "expert" opinion without reserve and I was only interested in RLS. Thought it worth a try and have a result. Criticism from other boffins is par for the course, especially when it crosses there own pet theories. Take it all with a pinch of salt. Thanks for your interest.
I did the same after reading Grain Brain and Wheat Belly. Now my RLS is much, much better too. All these people will have their detractors, but there are just too many people out there who are experiencing improved overall health. Glad you found out! BTW, arthritis is much, much better as well.