Cannabis on prescription : Does anyone... - Restless Legs Syn...

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Cannabis on prescription

Anon292918 profile image
37 Replies

Does anyone know if the NHS/government are allowing people with rls to get cdb/cannabis on NHS??..iv been buying it online for a while now but don't see why u should risk my freedom when it's been legalised for prescription now and goin to someone to buy it is a hit or miss with quality and doin that isn't my scene

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37 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

As far as I know, it's on limited access, for certain conditions only. And even then ,there has to be a real need.

In Ireland, Rls is barely acknowledged as a condition, and we're only at the research stage for cannabis use.. Rls has not been included in this. ( I applied, along with that reputable ruffian, Raffs, but was 'declined' 😂)

I agree entirely with you on the perils of internet buying.

in reply to Madlegs1

That's why I go to a dealer - they never decline my money :)

Yeah you have to have 1 of 4 high profile conditions and definitely no made up ones like RLS!

I never even got to do my "Is it 'cause I is a Nordie?" bit either - just a you suffering is not important to us message on the site, (OK, OK it was a 'Do you have one of these conditions...?' bit and as said my make believe condition wasn't listed :(

Cannabinoid medicines are not available for RLS on the NHS. Simple answer.

You're probably aware that there now seem to be various products available over-the-counter which are legal. This depends on the THC content.

Unfortunately, the research in their effectiveness, especially for RLS is lacking. You may be wasting money,in these, maybe not.

However, Holland and Barrett sell "stuff" and I believe Amazon list some products, Amazon possibly being a more reliable online source.

If you want the prescribable only stuff, you won't be able to get it legally.

If you think logically about it Cannabis cannot be patented.

That means the drug companies cannot make a 'medicine' out of it and sell it at bank crippling prices until they have made X billion Dollars/Pounds.

Cannabis has the potential to help in numerous conditions and rule out the need for many, many drugs.

Therefore drug companies and trickling down their share holders cannot make money and will LOOSE money as drugs are replaced with a drug that can be grown in peoples gardens,sheds, homes, garages, warehouses, farms, etc.

Look at the Tory Govt. minister who has legislated to keep Cannabis illegal while her husband is granted a multi million pound license to grow it, (I've put a link to her on here in the past).

They do this sh1te in full view of the British people who for some strange reason keep voting them in <slow hand clap>.

They've announced that when they get round to it, <sound of dragging heels>, it will be licensed to specialists prescribers <CA-CHING> and only for the likes of a SEVERE epileptic type disorder, chemo and the likes. They will hold on to the bitter end against Cannabis and they will placate people with it. All the while a multitude of people will suffer more with their conditions and the drugs used to treat them.

Remember that the next time you vote Conservative - the party that will make you suffer, and pay to do it!

in reply to

I always thought the political resistance to legalise cannabis was due to its harmful effects. The possibly exaggerated claims about these are probably largely untrue, but there are harmful consequences of using natural cannabis.

Now the momentum appears to be gathering in the production of various (safer?), derivatives and the point about not legalizing it if you can't control it's production might be more valid.

I would have written more, but I found myself falling into expressing my dissatisfaction with politicians generally and disillusionment with the pretence of democracy. Is democracy the best system anway? To me it seems a farce that we vote people into the position where they have the power to significantly affect our lives and they appear only to play political games and score points against each other.

You're probably right in that ultimately, it's "economics" that drive most things anyway. Doctors are now restricted from prescribing branded medicines when a generic version is available. They're restricted from prescribing some medicines at all because they are of "low clinical value", (= too expensive).

I used to be prescribed a medicine that was prescription "blacklisted" in the grounds that it is " no more effective than the alternatives" (= too expensive). In actual fact from my experience it was of significantly greater effectiveness and unfortunately there is no generic version.

I do recall when I first asked my GP for it, ( before it was blacklisted), he did hum and hah about whether the cost was justified.

Sorry, bit if a rant and race there. But why single out conservatives? Who's any better?

in reply to

Well if you think cannabis is dangerous just try Lyrica, Mirapexin, Oxycodone, Methadone, Tramadol, Ativan, Valium, Gabapentin, Codeine and any of the other drugs we are prescribed - that list is just some of the drugs people on here have been prescribed and all with serious side-effects and have been implicated in thousands upon thousands of deaths and that is not taking into consideration addiction.

Sure Cannabis is harmful - those munchies and a new found appreciation of music along with all that peace and love is a real b1tch!!! OK there are problems with it; as with many things, (sugar, alcohol and crisps to name three), it can be habit forming and heavy use can result in some people doing little with their lives.

But you are right the harms have been GREATLY exaggerated initially by Harry Angslinger & co who turned their alcohol prohibition operatus against it when prohibition was repealed, (how else to tarnish the Mexicans and Blacks - and many use his prejoritive Marijuana slang as normal - - how many run round using other racist slang words???

When Drs are under so much pressure to keep their costs down, when in the UK the NHS is collapsing after decades of under funding and increasing demands. When drug companies in Ireland and screwing the Govt. for big prices because of lower buying power would it not make economic sense for us all to be growing cannabis and medicating ourselves and maybe dropping 2 or 3 of the prescribed drugs for RLS, (and of course the drugs for the side effects of those drugs - something for the constipation, nausea or impotence they can cause)?

OF course it would, it makes perfect sense unless of course they want us using the Big Pharmaceutical drugs, then the current system makes sense.


Yes I hear the Drs - nothing works unless its been in a double blind study, I know:

just from the top of a googled list.

I also know that those studies are not as blind as people think. I've witnessed a double blind study in which the staff giving the drugs opened the capsule and the words I heard were - "I knew this wasn't placebo, didn't I tell you it was ........." name redacted to same me any crap :)

ALSO - cannabis has been used for approximately 10,000 years. Granted its not as long as the Earth has been about but in fairness its been used for roughly 10,000 years more than Lyrica, Gabapentin, Valium, you get the idea.

In those 10,000 years there have been NO DEATHS ATTRIBUTABLE TO CANNABIS. Of course people have died with cannabis in their system, it is fat soluble and can be found in the body for weeks if not months after last use, (without effecting the person), but that doesn't stop the prohibitionists, (those with a vested interest in keeping it illegal), trotting it out:

POLITICIAN/PHARMA STOOGE - "Oh there is Valium, alcohol, heroin and cannabis in their system?"

CORONER - "Yes that's right, it looks like an overdose of heroin exacerbated by the alcohol and Valium.

POLITICIAN/PHARMA STOOGE - "Yes I have evidence that cannabis kills, I was told by the Coroner, its proof absolute.

If you think that is an unlikely scenario then you need to read some of the British tabloids, rags which influence the thinking of lazy people unable/unwilling to look at the available information.

The Dr Spinks on the CH5 travesty of a program - denounced Cannabis as ineffective and of no medicinal value despite the USA and many other countries including England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all using or introducing cannabis albeit in a very VERY limited way, (please get you sh1t together and open it up for us all please), for medicinal purposes. There are many on here that would argue that it is very effective for RLS, PAIN, Insomnia, etc, etc.

I believe the current CBD cures everything approach is an attempt to slow the legalisation and use of full plant cannabis. Many cannabinoids have been found to help but by keeping it as CBD only you keep the means of production out of the hands of the people and allowing deep pocketed capitalists to control production.

When you are operating against that level of wilful misinformation it is very hard to get the truth out. However, as my mother always says, liars will be found out as the truth always outs.

AND...why single out the evil Conservative party of capitalist monsters:

No reason other than them and their toadies are to blame for its prohibition as from the link above.

Of course the fact that the Conservatives are linked to GW Pharma - the largest grower of Cannabis in Britain which produces for around £110 a bottle of Cannabis spray that can be made by any of us with a little, very little know how for around £10.

While the Conservatives and their partners in Big Pharmaceutical companies are able to corner the market and make money they will do their best to keep cannabis illegal.

I could go on how the Conservatives brought in illicit drug legislation and calimed it was to protect people while at the same time exempting the most harmful drug under grounds that people can decide for themselves!! I kid you not - just check out teh legislation David Camerons Givt. brought in.

Oh no Alcohol is not the most dangerous drug, I hear you say. Well Professor David Nutt, the most educated and knowledgeable person working in the drug field in Britain if not the world would argue differently:

(I tried to copy in table of harms here but cannot post it so please look at link above to see how a professional group rates the harm of drugs)

Just check the statistics - so many are adversely impacted by alcohol yet in the 2016 NPS legislation they deliberately exempted it despite its harmful nature. Could it be that they get donations from the drinks industry:

It doesn't take very much poking around to see the links between the Conservative party and Cannabis prohibition, unfortunately people are too lazy to read for themselves and rely on lying politicians with vested interests to educate them.

I know Labour have been a$$holes in this as well - after all they sacked Prof. Nutt:

but they have a long way to go to match the self serving attitudes of the Conservatives and their lack of care for the people they are meant to be protecting.

Vote conservative - keeping life saving and live changing drugs from children until profits are made.

in reply to

Enjoyed reading that:-)

You have a passion.

I concur, cannabis does have harmful effects, but I've always thought them probably less than the effects of alcohol, tobacco and, as you say, prescribed medicines.

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Oops pressed reply too soon again.

Oops also, you really have It in for Tories and I don't disagree with you. They've never had my vote.

Currently other parties don't really offer a viable alternative. Labour's a shambles, (does Corbyn ever smile? Blair had the smile of a shark). Lib-Dem are ineffective.

U kip, I wish I could kip with my insomnia.

But none of them have ever really tackled the biggie - i.e. Health inequalities.

Lots of talk and lots of white papers, but it just gets worse.

I don't have the answer. Perhaps I should grow my own weed and disappear in a smoky fog.

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If you checked the link to drug harms you will have seen cannabis is MUCH less harmful than alcohol and problems with it come from adulterated products, (due to cannabis being illegal), and it being used in joints along with the much more harmful tobacco:

Yeah I am passionate about this and would gladly get out and stand up and claim this to all except I live in a part of the world where doing that could get me badly beaten if not shot!

For me Cannabis laws highlight the self-serving and uncaring nature of ALL politicians as they use Cannabis to further their careers, (Vote for me I'll end drug scourge, Vote for me I'll give more money to cops to catch drug users, Vote for me there will be harsher drug penalties, etc) while people go to prison for its use or suffer greatly for the want of its use.

Mind you its down to the people voting in these greedy self-serving fools.

“I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.”

Louis-Ferdinand Céline

in reply to

Well, for me, that quote sums up democracy. Perhaps whoever invented democracy knew the majority were idiots.

However, it might not be quite right that the majority are idiots.

I believe there was a recent significant poll in which it was said 52% of people who voted said yes and 48% said no, but only 70% voted. Excuse my maths but that makes it (about) 36% yes, 34% no and 30% no vote. You could say it's the 30% who were idiots, because the ones that voted yes weren't actually the majority and the 30% wasted their opportunity to make a difference. Democracy?

Then there's governments who say to repeat a poll only 2 years after the first is "undemocratic", but can call a general election any time they think they stand the best chance of winning.

No soap box for me. Perhaps I should very quietly and discretely do my own medical research in the loft. Apparently, as I recently discovered, one of my neighbours was doing that for years.

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Safest way to do that research is on your own ;)

In Ireland the people voted against the Nice Treaty in a referendum. The Irish Govt. of the day, (read corrupt EU toadies), didn't like that the people rejected it and held another referendum after they had produced enough brain washing material to educate/scare/cajole the people into voting yes - democracy in action.

In Palestine - when Hamas were elected by the people in a democratic election the USA decided it was the wrong sort of democracy and refused to recognise the elected Govt.

In Venezuela the USA and UK don't like the elected Govt. and are pushing someone who calls themselves the ruler but hasn't been elected.

I could go on and on about the problems with democracy but this isn't the forum for that but a great book that has been made into a Documentary is:

The best Democracy Money can buy:

People are manipulated and frightened into voting for the usual parasites - look at Bernie in the USA. For the first time that I recall there was an American who wanted what was best for the American people, he wasn't a serial abuser of women like Trump nor a person who laughed at a rape victim like Clinton, yet the media painted him as a dangerous socialist - you know the type they want to help the poor instead of using and abusing them - destructive to the USA and un-American.

How the hell can people vote fairly when the weight of the media is used against them?

Vote Conservative - "We will help you as long as it doesn't interfere with rich peoples profits."

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Is democracy the best thing? Let's take a vote on it

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:) :D As long as people know if they don't vote for me I'll make their legs worse - plus you eat children and kill puppies, I've no evidence but my mate in the papers will post an anonymous witness!! :)

Joolsg profile image
Joolsg in reply to

👏👏 Well said Raffs

I asked about the prescription CBD oil at my doctors, just to see what she would say, i already knew it had been restricted for certain conditions, and even then those who could apply for it, had to jumps through hoops before they were allowed it. I mentioned it was used in the USA , she said....they probably dont know of the risks in using it,,,, what risks i asked,,, she tried to bring those risks up on her computer , oh i know they are on here but cant find them. When i got outside i said to my daughter who i always take with me, incase i forget all thats being said to me, So, she says it has risks, so they are giving it to kids with seizures, and thats ok then. What a load of BS. They would hardly allow kids to use it IF the risks were that bad. At 71 and suffering badly with the meds i take, i would take any risk if it worked. Its just as has been said, the Government keeping control, and would be the same whoever was in power. I wonder how money wise,it would work out, would the CBD oil work out cheaper than giving us all the meds we take now. ? AS some of us take a cocktail of meds for our RLS. They COULD be potentially saving the NHS money if they allowed it.

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Sorry Elisse2 but you will never live to see cannabis prescribed to the likes of you. If it is any consolation I will never live to see the likes of me get it either.

There is too much money to be lost by the rich, too many Drs will have to face up to the lies they have told about cannabis, too many people will benefit.

They will fight cannabis legalisation tooth and nail every step of the way. To paraphrase Churchill:

We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in lofts, we shall fight on the allotments and gardens, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the commons, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight legalisation, we shall fight common sense, we shall fight in the hospitals and in the GP practices, we shall fight in the chemists; we shall never surrender while profit is to be made.

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I am not expecting to raffs, i will be pushing up daisies, before that ever happened. :P

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I'm planting, or rather getting planted, Poppies on mine - I'll hardly need the opium but who knows who might enjoy picking them ;)

I know what you mean - I've asked my GP for Sativex knowing the answer I'd be given but asking anyway. Mind you his advice of going and buying some wasn't a bad idea either :)

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I accidentally grew some marijuana once, hemp seeds from wild bird food. Then the opium poppies appeared and they reappear every year. Hundreds of them and perfectly legal. Keep finding unconscious bees everywhere.

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The cannabis would have been industrial hemp most likely and therefore no good for healing/treating yourself. However, as far as I know both grow in similar conditions, (haven't grown them so can't really say), so if you have managed one......

Yeah I've Papaver somniferum growing in my garden. I haven't tried to get anything from them but if society ever collapses and I can't get my drugs from the Dr I at least have a backup option :)

Among the healing plants I have I also grow foxglove or digitalis for when watching politicians talk on TV and my heart tries to stop beating :)

Joolsg profile image

As this government doesn’t even acknowledge RLS as a disabling condition- highly unlikely. I have MS as well which is one of the conditions for which Medical cannabis is allowed but, guess what?, there isn’t a single person with MS who has been prescribed it. This government will not even prescribe it for children with severe epilepsy ( they come up with ridiculous excuses).

I get mine illegally and will continue to do so. May even grow my own.

in reply to Joolsg

You and me alike Joolsg. I have several pain issues to add to my RLS & ME but unfortunately my pain is not as bad as those having nausea caused by chemo, (will the nausea and vomiting I get from prescription drugs not be as bad, I can empty my stomach on a regular basis?!).

OF COURSE a synthetic cannabinoid is available in the form of Nabilone, but then again that has been patented so can be prescribed. The NHS.UK site has plenty of information about how cannabis cannot be prescribed to people suffering. It can only be given to those in a small category that haven't responded to other drugs OR, in layman's terms:

It can be given to those who we can't make a profit from any other way and is not a large amount of people.

Vote Conservative - The rich need your taxes to make sure you suffer in discomfort.

in reply to Joolsg

I think the ONLY reason that it was made legal, because of all the publicity after that mother with her son who has severe epilepsy, she made sure it went public on how her son was suffering and she was getting it for him from i think a Canadian doctor. ?

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And she has now brought out her own range of CBD oils, even though her son needed the oil with THC.

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Has she,! ? Her son is using her CBD oils, and not the NHS one. ? So, all that fuss for nothing. ?

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Her son gets his oil via the NHS it is an extraction containing both CBD AND THC. This was why there was such a hoo-ha about it all.

While all that was going on she then came out with her own brand of CBD ONLY oil.

I have a friend who would have known her growing up and he says she is a very determined and shrewd lady. It looks like she has capitalised somewhat on her sons condition however kudos for getting this whole debate into the mainstream.

in reply to

Right i am clear now you have explained. But bloody hell! She sells her own for nearly 50 quid.! There are many out there that are cheaper than that and good ones, she would have to convince me hers works wonders at that price. Yes, she did do good by highlighting that CBD with the THC does work well for many Just a shame many are not getting the benefit by being allowed to use it..

Madlegs1 profile image

Thank you Anon, for starting such a lively and fascinating discussion.

I got tired upticking all the contributions.

Brilliant and depressing.😣

in reply to Madlegs1

Right, we all need anti-depressants now. :P

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Cannabis has good antidepressant effects without the impotence and suicidal ideation that comes with many prescribed ones.

Now you've started me off again :)

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Ooops. !

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply to

Amitriptyline all round!😆🤡

in reply to Madlegs1


Vinagirl profile image

I am not familiar with Cannibis in countries other than the US. What I can say is that CBD oil (no THC ) has had an incredible positive effect on my nocturnal myoclonus. I take medical CBD oil, but the CBD deriVed from hemp is easily available to all in US. Perhaps in the UK?

in reply to Vinagirl

There are plenty of online places these days where you can buy CBD without the THC , which is legal here in the UK. Altho they seem to have a tiny % of THC in them which is still legal. Many people do seem to use it for all sorts of ailments and illnesses here in the UK, with success apparently. But i havent seen many who rave about it helping their RLS. i have seen a few people say it does but not THAT many. Does the medical CBD oil give you relief from your RLS. ?

emberto1946 profile image

I emailed the 'Consultant' who featured on last weeks Chanel 4 programme and he told me "Unfortunately, due to the legal situation we are unable to prescribe, even for patients with life-threatening epilepsy". I think that the CBD oil that you can buy online is generally made from Hemp rather than Cannabis (I know Hemp is part of the Cannabis family). A clinic 'The Beeches' has opened in Greater Manchester (allied to a Private Hospital I think) this week. A consultation is approx £200 and the treatment around £600 - £700 per month.

I am seeing my GP this week and will pose the question.

in reply to emberto1946

i have just heard about this clinic today, if i win the lottery, then i know where to go, :)

Not what you're looking for?

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