I am new here and don,t normally write a blog
First off I am very impressed with the help and support I have seen on your site
It's like a great family
I have just spent 8 weeks coming off mirapex ,I was on 3 0.125mg a day for around 10 years and this is the 3rd time of trying to come off (what an experience)
I have been off the tablets for 10 days and I have asked the Dr for a prescription of pregabalin as I still get rls most of the night up to around 3 am
Is the rls I get due to the mirapex withdrawal or is it just my rls in general also the gabapentin at 25 mg doesn't seam to be effective , I have upped the dose to 25mg in the morning 50mg at lunch time and 75mg in the evening
This still does not seam to have helped
I am. Exhausted to to walking the floor all night and have started having blackouts
Also I went to fill a cup of milk and poured the milk over the hob then realised what I had done
The next day I poured the milk into the grill pan and put the milk away into the cupboard and not the fridge
I am very close to giving up and going back on the mirapex just for relief
I would be very great full for some advise also any idea s on what medication I can go on as the Drs have no idea