The thing about taking something like valium and it been addictive means nothing for rsl as it would be taken for life so there would be no need to have to wean off it at some point. If it works and has no side effects its worth a try.
Valium: The thing about taking... - Restless Legs Syn...
The concern with addiction is ,if there is a need to keep increasing the dose because of tolerance.
Addiction and Dependency are not bad ,per se, but the real genie is Tolerance.
You only have to spend five minutes on a "blue flame" site to get a picture of the horrors involved in bad cases of addiction, for ordinary people , every day. Horrific.
Hi Madlegs - what is a blue flame website? I've never heard of that before...
Druggie sites for addicts.
Blue flame was a book written by the oil exploration companies for their workers in Arab countries. When covertly distilling hooch- it is safe if it burns as a blue flame( alcohol) not yellow (ethanol).
I found a lot of these sites when I was trying to get off Fentanyl.
Hi Higgi73,
Madlegs is right, you can soon build up a tolerance, & you end up taking more to achieve the same effects. You’re very fortunate if you don’t have to increase the dose. With Benzodiazepines the side effects get worse the larger the dose you take. Best wishes Tim61.
Yeah - I had a room mate when I was 18 that started out with 1 a day for anxiety, and within a year she was up to about 6 a day and looking for more... It wasn't good when they made her quit
If you can get a doctor to continue the prescription.
Yeah - Getting a script is always a problem these days too..
Besides causing balance and memory problems, use of benzos increases cancer risk:
I get the addictive personality side of thing been there did the withdrawal but if you can stick to the dose and not go chasing the buzz you are ok to use valium etc for rsl. My docs keeps a close watch.