It’s 8:40am and I’m having oral surgery today at 2pm. I woke up at 5am with my leg giving me fits already so I’ve been walking around the house in hopes it will go away before my appointment. So far no improvement. I have my compression stocking on but I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to be jumping around in the dentist’s chair during my surgery. Any ideas.?
Help!: It’s 8:40am and I’m having oral... - Restless Legs Syn...

Terrible situation! I think many of us on here can relate.
What could help you? For example, do you have or can you get some OTC codeine? Maybe that will quell the symptoms sufficiently to keep them somewhat still. And do inform your dentist. If the symptoms are not too bad and if you work well together, you may be able to see it through. Hope you will!
Hi! I hope I’m not too late. So sorry to hear of your situation! Will you be put under? ( Probably not since you’re worried, but I thought I’d ask anyway). Yes, please do tell your dentist. Also, I’m wondering if he’ll let you put on headphones/earbuds and listen to music as a distraction?
Funny — my crown decided to fall off my front tooth tonight, so I need to make an emergency appointment tomorrow. My legs are not behaving themselves these days, so I also can’t wait to get into that dentist chair.
I hope we both do okay!

Thanks Jess, sorry you have to have your crown fixed. No fun going to the dentist! We will do great!!
Nice to hear from you!
I made it! Had to have a cracked molar removed 😧😧😧 no RLS Yea
Good luck tomorrow!
I’m glad that went well!
Yahoo!! Congrats!
The anticipation of being «trapped» is awful, isn’t it? It plays with your head. For example, since the past couple of nights had been bad, last night I told my husband that I wouldn’t go to bed until 3am so that the amount of torture time would be lessened. Well, since I was dead tired, I ended up falling asleep at midnight and guess what? I didn’t wake up until 8:30am!
Hi Dakota! 1.5 hours in a dentist chair and I made it through just fine as well! I had movements in the legs, but fortunately they were manageable! Can’t wait to get my permanent crown next week (although I like the temporary one just fine — it feels so good to have a tooth there again!)
I find a very hot bath helps
I know you’re trying to help, but this is too funny so can I insert a joke? No disrespect to you.
Yes, Dakota can ask to be emerged in warm water while getting her oral surgery.🤔


And maybe a bar of soap in the warm water since we all know how well that bar of soap 😂😂😂