I recently read an article on another forum where it is stated that there was possibly a link between ‘loaded intestines’ and rls. Does anybody knows anything about it? Does people who have irregular bowel movement more prone to rls?
Constipation and rls?: I recently read... - Restless Legs Syn...
Constipation and rls?

I have no idea but i have lived with both for 20+ years ! Im having an rls episode now 😰
Try taking magnesium citrate. It helps move the bowels. It also helps reduce/eliminate RLS in some individuals like myself.
Interesting. I have always suffered from irregular bowel movements and since taking codeine with pregabalin I can only have a bowel movement with a laxative. It would be interesting if there was a link, I definitely had serious problems with constipation before taking codeine.
My RLS definitely seems worse when I 'need to go'. And a trip to the look does seem to help. Why? I have no idea x
I have had problems with constipation all my life and had to take laxatives but when I took opiates things got very much worse and I had to discontinue them. Also now I’m taking Gaberpentin I’ve got problems with
constipation. Don’t think there is anything I can take without getting severe problems so perhaps there could be a link
My son had both. I brought to an immunologist, he had tick born infections (Bartonella, babesia, lyMe etc).
After treating with antibiotics and anti parasites, the constipation is gone and so is the restless leg. Maybe join some Lyme forums to find out more? I’m in a bunch of Lyme Facebook groups and restless leg and constipation are symptoms many of them get.
Dear Elizabeth, so glad to read about the cure for your son! I remembered your earlier post and felt do bad for you and him. Apparently, I have missed your earlier updates on your son’s RLS. Summertime.....
Anyway, I really hope that te infections were indeed the cause of his RLS and that it never returns in the rest of his hopefully long and healthy life.
I suffer with both. It's very curious!
There are numerous reports on websites about the link. Just put “constipation” in the search box above and you’ll find several posts.
Magnesium citrate will help both the constipation and for many people the RLS.
Try 3a Magnesia by Lane Pharmaceuticals. I take 2 every night and it resolves my constipation issues. It’s available on Amazon. In US dollars it’s about $19-22 for 100 tablets.
It’s all natural.
Well just to put the other side: I am regular as clockwork - no probs with constipation. Even when on high dose of opioids it wasn’t too bad. But rls an ever present reality. I do notice that if I need a bowel movement rls can be worse and improves afterwards but it’s rare that this happens at night when my rls is worst. I post this in interests of balance - not to over-share!
I’ve almost never been constipated a day in my life and I’ve had RLS for 30+ years. It started in my 20’s with taking antihistamines and I had no concept of RLS at that time. I just quit taking them. Then in my early 30’s, Trazodone triggered it if I didn’t fall asleep in about 15 minutes. But, constipation? No, never!
I suspect the link, if there is one, is indirect. Anything that’s an irritation to the system could kick up RLS symptoms in some people. And sometimes other health issues have similar symptoms - like my venous insufficiency. Once I had that taken care of, my RLS symptoms were cut by about 50%.