Has anyone suffering with rls tried muscle relaxers?
Muscle relaxers: Has anyone suffering... - Restless Legs Syn...
Muscle relaxers

I have wondered this too! Since the onset of my symptoms over 10 years ago, my leg muscles have become more and more tense - even during the daytime when I don't have any symptoms otherwise, Sometimes, I'm unable to sleep not because of the RLS pain itself but because of back pain caused by the muscle tension all over my back side. It would only seem logical that muscle relaxers would help.
I haven't tried to take them because they seem to have a very high risk of addiction.
Hi there, I tried the beta blocker Propranolol , which I believe is a muscle relaxant, but if anything, made my legs worse, on the days I took them. That's not to say they won't work for other RLS sufferers.
I thought that was a blood pressure medicine. I’ve never heard of it used, but I could be wrong...
so sorry my mistake, I remember being given Propranolol for anxiety not high blood pressure which I don't have. You are quite right its not a muscle relaxant. I'm getting the meds mixed up. propranolol did relax me and helped with the anxiety but not my RLS . I'm abit confused though, forgive my ignorance on this medication, but I thought RLS/RBS was a neurological problem and not physiological. It is with me. So would a muscle relaxant really help? If its helped others then I certainly would want to try them. I can see them helping with tensed muscles and cramp which I have had especially during my pregnancies but my RLS is not muscle related. I can have RLS in one leg then it could suddenly swop over to the other leg or up into my arm or move into my chest where the nerves all go on edge. Never have in both legs or both arms or chest at the same time. I was told to try Yoga, for body and mind. Has any one tried this?
Some people here take Magnesium which is a "natural" relaxer...
Magnesium does help mine but flexeril made it much worse. But thats the only muscle relaxer ive taken.
I was initially given Flexeril during all my medication trials and it only made the symptoms worse. After years of trying to find the best solution, I take oxycodone on an approximately every-six-hours-basis and it NEVER holds at night. I was stunned to discover that magnesium (magnesium glycinate) actually helped a great deal! I take 200 mg. at a time. The glycinate form of magnesium is the only form I have tried that does not cause my IBS symptoms to get worse.
I tried baclofen - it helped with cramps but nothing with RLS. This was the ONLY solution given by the doctor at the time. From Wikipedia "Baclofen is primarily used for the treatment of spastic movement disorders, especially in instances of spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. Its use in people with stroke or Parkinson's disease is not recommended."
I used to occasionally use Flexril to get a good night sleep. but that was before my RLS got really bad. I stopped using it for sleep after that b/c while it would still make me very drowsy, it would not stop my legs. And then I would spend the night walking around while supper drowsy. it was difficult.
Ive only used flexeril and it made it ten times worse. Not sure why.