Since I have had a diagnosis of RSL, I have had several serum ferritin/iron saturation tests done by various physicians. The last time I went to local hospital for lab tests, Medicare refused payment for these tests and I paid out of pocket. I went again today (different doctor) for same tests and was informed that Medicare would not pay as the diagnosis did not support it. I am not anemic, which I suppose would support the test. Do any of you in US who use Medicare have advice about obtaining payment for ferritin/iron saturation lab testing from Medicare.
Medicare won't pay for serum ferritin... - Restless Legs Syn...
Medicare won't pay for serum ferritin or iron saturation tests.

I have experienced the very same situation with Medicare since my blood count is good, so I have not been able to find out the ferritin/iron level unless I pay out of pocket for tests.
I have these levels checked on a monthly basis and no costs to me Brica. I live in Mass.
I live in U.S. perhaps that is the reason. I found a Dr. through the RLS Foundation’ He is the first M.D, who listened to me and knew what I needed. Usual meds never worked; I am on iron supplementation with great success but my levels are above the normal values. Brica
I get the serum ferritin tests, including the iron saturation, as part of all of my other blood work. Medicare pays for all of it. I'm in Maryland.
Perhaps they code it wrong when submitting it all to Medicare.
What they won't pay for is the Vitamin D blood test, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Sounds to me like SIBO tests would be a good idea. From this website
"They consume some of our food which over time leads to deficiencies in their favourite nutrients such as iron and B12, which can cause anaemia or chronic low ferritin."
I have experienced that on a number of occasions. I would appreciate knowing which ICD-10 codes that they accept so I can play this "game" more effectively on behalf of my long-suffering patients!