I have suffered from RLS since 16 and I am now 57. Miramax was awful for me the only thing that works a wee bit is clonazapam and only for a short while. I can only stay one it for 2 weeks at a time. I exercise and it doesn’t make too much of a difference. Some nights I get maybe an hours sleep. Please,any help or advice woul be greatly appreciated.
At My Wits End: I have suffered from... - Restless Legs Syn...
At My Wits End

Mirapex made my RLS worse. I do take 0.25 to 0.5 mg clonazapam when I go a few nights without sleep. 300 mg Gabapentin worked great for two years, then stopped. Have u tried that? My doc just put me on 0.25 mg Tramadol. For two nights it made me so dizzy I had to hold on to furniture and the wall to get to the bathroom. But after a few nights that got better and I got 6 hours sleep. Will continue with it a while, a few months, then go back to Gabapentin. Make sure u eliminate known food and drink triggers, and have serum ferritin checked.
I have been taking Tramadol 100mg at night for 7 years with no problems. I sleep well every night.
Hi Missclairol, I think this may be your first post, so welcome to the RLS Community. You say Miramax (Mirapex?) was awful for you. Did you stop taking it or do you still take it; if so, what dose do you take?
If you took Mirapexin for a long while it is best to taper the dose slowly otherwise you will get symptoms like you are describing. Did you just suddenly stop taking it I wonder? Or did you only take it for a short while because it was awful?
I only took it for a few weeks because it was awful, Neil. I hated everything about it and it didn’t work 🙁
Hi Missclairol, in that case augmentation shouldn't be a problem. Mirapex is in a group called dopamine agonists, which has given many people great relief and many people bad symptoms.
You could try pregabalin, which is helping me greatly right now, It works in a different way from Mirapex and might suit you better, as we know everyone is different and a lot relies on trial and error.
I must say though that it takes a week or more to take effect and it made me sleepy for over a week. Now I am used to it I am not sleepy during the day and my legs are calm. Have a look at some posts here and research pregabalin side effects so you know what to talk to your doctor about.
All of our meds have side effects it seems so, again, trial and error to find your relief. Good luck and best wishes
Make sure your serum ferritin levels are high (latest thinking is they should be over 100 for Rls sufferers). Your Gp surgery should be able to do the test. Make sure you get the actual figure - it’s no good to be told your levels are ‘normal’. That could be much too low. There is a VERY strong link for most RLS sufferers and low iron levels. Raising levels can help a lot. For everything else there is Kratom.
Funny you should say that, my ferritin is always low. I have to take Feramax 60 mg just to keep it almost normal