Could chicken be an issue?: Hi all. I... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Could chicken be an issue?

23 Replies

Hi all. I came across this today:

and reading it I see that in the US they are pumping antihistamines into chickens, (mustn't have suffered enough in the cages).

That got me thinking could our brothers and sisters in the US be getting doses of anihistamines via their food and making their RLS worse? Also worth noting for the rest of us when Trump and May make a deal.

Just a thought.....

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23 Replies

Eeew. just read that article. But i will looking to see where my chicken comes from.

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply to

You're ok until May makes the deal. At present US beef and chicken is prohibited entering EU unless guarenteed free. Same for South American. The Irish farmers exposed that racket years ago- diseased cattle being bussed to clean farms and exported. Photos of crates of torn off ear tags finally persuaded EU vets of the evidence that they had somehow just " missed" noticing on their inspections.

So- maybe it might just be best to buy good grass fed Irish Hereford and Angus beef in your local butcher.

marsha2306 profile image

Never heard that before and I am in the US. Good thing I'm not a fan of chicken.

Joolsg profile image

Well if that isn't sufficient evidence to persuade us all to become vegan! I eat chicken & fish ( but not mammals) & I think it'll be only organic chicken from now on.

Even my dog is allergic to chicken, so who knows? By the way, he's also allergic to oysters - poor thing😜

Bee27 profile image

I can't eat chicken anymore, due to the cruel way in which the poor little things are treated. What gives humans the right to do this?

I think all this is a problem, maybe for RLS too, from which I really suffer. I had shingles last year very badly and an Australian chemist asked me, when I was in Bali, had I eaten too many eggs? He said that the stuff they pump into chickens in Asia goes into the eggs. As I'm vegetarian, in Bali all the meals seem to include chicken, so I was eating a lot of eggs and it was very hot. The chemist said this was the cause of my shingles, Scary!

Eryl profile image

This matter highlights a fundamental difference between people on this forum. The people who Are trying to find the cause of their RLS, and those who are looking for something to mask or subdue the symptoms of their RLS. Like people who try to improve their diet and autoimmune system to ward off colds, V the people who look for a better remedy for a blocked nose, runny nose, chesty cough etc. If you are worried about the effect of these chemicals then you will or should be the former type. If you are not worried then you are probably the latter type. The type who thinks that whatever happens they will deal with it later by tacking medication.

Gidgetmoondogg profile image
Gidgetmoondogg in reply to Eryl

You are so right. I want a cure. But it is still comforting to just vent.

in reply to Eryl

Hmmm, well if you have Primary RLS, genetic, inherited from a parent, then you will find that most of us have tried all the natural ways to get relief and not take meds. BUT, you will find that most of Primary RLSers only find that meds is the answer. So, if there is a "type" then i am the latter "type".

restless_in_usa profile image


This disease is so sinister in what it takes from us (besides sleep!) I'm guessing there are way more than a couple different reasons people are on this forum (the 2 you mention). The word that comes to mind is DESPERATE. People are certainly trying to get to the root of their individual symptomology, and maybe some simply want to "mask or subdue" symptoms"; others are her for whatever help they might find to get relief.

Bottom line is that all reasons are valid- all should be applauded for reaching out- for sharing and for supporting the others who are here.


Bajatom profile image

I think u mean antibiotics. Most chicken sold in US still has samonella. The feed also is high in arsenic as is much of the rice grown in much of the US. Fortunately meat is not necessary for health. In fact it is detrimental and causes disease.

in reply to Bajatom

I know exactly what I mean :)

That is linked in the article I linked to in my OP under the bit:

Further reports reveal that chickens are dosed with antihistamines,

Bajatom profile image
Bajatom in reply to

Thanks for the link Raff's. Now when my allergies kick I, I get an infection, and I'm depressed I can eat chicken instead of seeing my doc or buying medicine.

in reply to Bajatom

Suppose that's why sick people are given chicken soup when unwell - half a pharmacy has been pumped in them!

If there is so much in chickens and indeed other animals it makes me think they can't be having a good life. Then all that suffering becomes the animal and we then absorb that when we consume the flesh of the poor tortured animals.

Gidgetmoondogg profile image
Gidgetmoondogg in reply to Bajatom



Good one

Gidgetmoondogg profile image

Hi Raffs, I stopped eating chicken due to everything that chickens get put into them to make them fat

BoldMove profile image

I only eat pastured organic chicken and grass fed organic beef.

Bajatom profile image
Bajatom in reply to BoldMove

The USDA “makes no claim that organically produced food is safer or more nutritious than conventionally produced food.” “Organic, “natural,” “humane,” and “free-range” eggs, milk, and meat are filled with artery-clogging saturated fat and cholesterol, just like conventional meat, milk, and eggs. Study after study links the consumption of animal-derived foods to heart disease, cancer, and other serious health problems. And because organic and “free-range” animals are usually raised in crowded conditions and killed in the same filthy, excrement-ridden slaughterhouses as animals from factory farms, their flesh may also be contaminated with bacteria and other pathogens.

BoldMove profile image
BoldMove in reply to Bajatom

My HDL was 85, my LDL was 93 in tests from 6 weeks ago. Know your local farmer. I buy only fully pastured chickens and eggs straight from the farm but I don't gorge on flesh foods either.

All i can say really is. if all animals are contaminated all eggs are contaminated, all fruit and veg are probably contaminated and the air we breathe is contaminated they say. Then i guess living is a waste of time. :P

in reply to

You're not far wrong. The nutritional content of fruit and veg has decreased considerably over the past few decades with say Cabbages 21mg of calcium dropping to 3mg per 100g.

Much of our food is deficient in boron and much of what is mass farmed is done hydroponically and doesn't contain the proper nutrients. In fact our 5 day should be around 12 a day to get the vitamins and minerals we need.

Our foods are pumped full of chemicals and if you look gluten and milk products are hidden in all sorts of food. 'Potato' crisps inevitably contain wheat and milk. Corn tortillas are made with corn and wheat. By products that used to be dumped are now put into our foods. We have jelly sweets almost entirely made of sugar that have artificial sweeteners in them as well.

Things will get worse with Brexit as May will jump at any offer the US makes and they have atrocious food practices, (sorry my US brothers and sisters but it is fact not opinion).

We are made belief that organic is best but many chemicals are still permitted with organic, (although the powers that be impose many stricter sanctions on organic over chemically farmed foods), but as with all food if grown in poor soil will still leave us without the correct nutrients.

Fast food is widely promoted with companies like McDonalds and Coke being major sponsors of sporting events. In many western countries obesity is increasing along with malnutrition. There is a mix of fats and sugars that the normal human cannot resist and these companies play on that leaving crap food actually addictive.

Add in the fiascos that are Health, Education, the mind numbing & soul destroying TV, the promotion of drugs like alcohol that destroy society family and the individual while drugs that can be used to heal like cannabis are demonized and kept from people and harmful vaccines that destroy lives. Add a myriad of other social problems that are being nurtured by the powers that be and are being implemented in order to keep us in a state of ill health both mentally and physically and your guess that living is a waste of time is not far from the mark!

I honestly believe that the elites are creating a society where that is the prevailing feeling!

Well i have survived this long at 70 yrs old, and the only condition i suffer with is RLS, and thats from inheriting it. I am not fat, my blood pressure is always fine when tested, i take no other meds for any other ailment, so i guess i am lucky that i have got this far with no chemicals, the air i breathe etc has killed me off.!

in reply to

If you think though you weren't raised on processed foods and high sugar. You finish growing more or less by 21, (I appreciate there are still cell reproduction, etc), and I'll bet you didn't have McDonalds regularly and the only McFlurry you heard of was when Scotland got a lot of snow :)

You would not have been nuked by microwaves and bathed in electromagnetic radiation. You'd likely have had a more active life and not counting for the smoke around you, (even as a smoker I was glad when buses and planes went smoke free), you and your generation would have a healthier life than say those of us who got caught up in the 80's processed foods and microwaves or the younger ones who live on energy drinks and fast foods while spending 34 hours a day in front of a screen the most exercise done is when they pose for a selfie.

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