For years now I have been experiencing chronic pain in my legs, with uncontrollable twitching and restlessness. I have been bounced pillar to post by my local PCT. I have seen orthopedics, neurology, vascular, and rheumatoid consultants.
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression.
I am finally getting somewhere, and listened to, by ranting at my GP. She suggested it could be RLS.
To summarize my symptoms:
* Severe pain in legs, especially ankles. Everyday
* Occasional pain in arms
* Uncontrollable twitching / jumping of legs
* Pain made worse by sitting still. Elevating my legs is a total no go
* Bad sleep. Often waking several times in the night to walk around. On average ~4 hours per night actually spent asleep
* Irritability and mood changes
Does this sound like RLS to anyone else? I have had it with the NHS and I am biting the bullet and paying to see a consultant privately as I don't feel I can continue much longer like this.
Drugs I take, if they make a difference:
Gabapentin (in an attempt to stop the pain)
Venlafaxine for anxiety
Mirtazapine for depression and to help with sleep
Yours desperately