I've suffered with RLS since I was a child, I'm in my 40's now and it has definitely got worse in the last 5 years or so. I have tried every natural aid I have ever heard about, I've rubbed things on my legs, bars of soap at the end of the bed, stretched, run on the spot, walked round my house up and down stairs before bed, you name it, I have done it. Now it's started in my arms-although not as often as my legs, and now I'm struggling to keep it under control, even with medication. I take iron tablets, and gabapentin. I will also take tramadol in the evenings but that's for a different medical reason. The gabapentin I have been taking since December, it worked really well until about 2 weeks ago and now it's all started up again. I feel completely deflated, I hoped this would be the miracle cure that I have wanted to find for the last 30 odd years. So I'm back to trying to work and look after a large family on barely any sleep, it's a miserable way to be. Sadly, 2 of my 4 children also suffer with it, youngest is only 10 and it started when she was about 3-4 years old, she doesn't get it every night thankfully, I hope it stays that way for her. My son suffers during the day as well as night, I know he's having a bad night when I hear him walking around his room at 3 in the morning, it must drive the rest of our household mad hearing us getting up and down all night!
My husband is very understanding, but unless you have actually suffered with it, you can't possibly begin to understand how it is. I can't even explain to people what it feels like...I can't quite hit the nail on the head with the feeling/pain and the lack of control of my jerking limbs! Some people I speak to think it's funny... believe me I am not laughing at 5 in the morning when I have a whole day ahead of me and have had zero sleep.
I would like any other ideas, vitamin suggestions or prescription drug ideas that anyone may have that I may not have already tried. I'm willing to do anything, I just want to be able to sleep.