Have been so productive lately in the middle of the night with a large DIY project. When I can't stop moving/pain I get up and sand, paint, tape and mud or clean up the worksite. Got me thinking, since rls is worse (for me) during the night is it possible to change night into day to relieve most symptoms.
Night Into Day?: Have been so... - Restless Legs Syn...
Night Into Day?

I can't do that as my work is during the day. Sorry. I am no help for this thread but look forward to reading replies.
Do you take any medicine/vitamins for the RLS?
Totally possible. I used to work nights and was busy and on my feet so the RLS was less. On my days off I slept and stayed up at night. For about 4 or 5 years of nigh shifts the majority of time I was asleep during day and awake and busy at night.
Only thing I warn you about is cutting the grass at 4am will not go down will with your neighbours
In saying that there is a hell of a lot of research to say that lifestyle is damaging and can shorten your life!
If life for others living in the house didn't matter it would be great to turn our life about face ,if you could do it ,fantastic
If I was ten yrs younger it would be heaven just for a month or two to have a life we're going home in the morning meant going to BED AND SLEEP 😴 just sleep all day
When I was withdrawing from pramipexole last summer I brought all the boxes of stuff that languish about the house (tools, wrapping paper, sewing kits etc etc) into my room and sorted through them. Sometimes I was so tired I would actually fall asleep while standing over them sorting through but it gave me something to do. Generally though I find it hard to get motivated when everyone else is asleep - also everything one does seems to generate so much noise ...
Sounds like what I do just to get through a night, just different projects. I will be tapering off pramipexole starting in about a week. The sleep doctor upped my gabapentin to 600 mg and said to go to 900 mg if it works for me. And, I did start taking the iron. My only problem is the empty stomach part as I eat in the evening. The doctor said I would be fine tapering slowing while increasing the gabapentin. Seeing my primary care doc on Tuesday. Could ask her for Tylenol with codeine if you think that will be necessary. If yes how often and at what strength?
Will appreciate greatly all advice. Turning night into day really isn't an option. Besides my legs ache in the daytime to.
Thank you.
Wiggle, some of that iron, provided it is ferrous bisglycinate, will still be absorbed. If you're really concerned about absorption you can try an iron patch called PatchMD Iron Plus that can be ordered directly from the manufacturer or one or two other websites. Unfortunately I have never seen it on Amazon. It's good stuff!