I have suffered from mild RLS on and off all my life. In 2015 I suffered a cardiac arrest due to a heart rhythm problem and since then have had really bad rls , sometimes all over my body to the point where it has me in tears. I am on mirtazapine and bisprolol and wondered if these medications might be the reason for the severity
Full Body RLS: I have suffered from... - Restless Legs Syn...
Full Body RLS

Mirtazapine can cause /worsen RLS in some people. If you are taking it for anxiety then you may be better switching to Clonazepam. I haven't come across anyone saying that Bisprolol has worsened their RLS but an uncommon side effect is general restlessness x
Hi, yes you can get RLS from certain beta blocker type meds.
It's an uncommon side effect and is usually mentioned way down the side effects list only as "restlessness"
I have atrial fibrillation (AF) which is a serious heart rhythm problem and I take Digoxin for it.
Within 48hrs of starting Digoxin I started to get RLS in both legs and arms.
I was fine just on Bisoprolol but unfortunately it wasn't a strong enough med for my heart problem and so had to go back on Digoxin.
There was someone else on here awhile ago, who like you had also recently been prescribed Bisoprolol and who started to get RLS for the first time in his life. He was going to ask his Cardiologist for advice.
It seems then you are taking 2 drugs that can cause or worsen RLS, it could be 1 or both of them causing it.
You need to see your GP or Cardiologist and see if they can perhaps try a different heart drug for you. Also perhaps change Mirtazapine to Clonazapam as Pippins has suggested.
Failing that, you will need to take something to combat RLS, I'm prescribed an opiate Tramadol twice daily and find it works very well with little or no restlessness and without it I would be crawling the walls.
I hope this helps you a little
I have afib and was taking cardizem which gave me quite a few side effects including muscle aches and pains ( again , a vague term 'restlessness' which could have been early rls.) Last November, got a pacemaker insertion and an AV node ablation (not a bad procedure at all) and am now off all cardiac meds except Coumadin(warfarin). I feel much better but I am working on getting off the Coumadin as I was started on Mirapex; had a reaction after the first week and ended up in the ER with very swollen feet and redness. I now believe the Coumadin and the Mirapex did not mix well although no one there seemed to agree with me. I have found some obscure research that there CAN be reactions between blood thinners and rls medications. I stopped the Mirapex but still have some problems with the Coumadin. Has anyone ever had problems with blood thinners and rls? Most literature says "Not possible" but who knows? Worth looking into. Will see my cardiologist/electrophysiologist in September and will discuss with him. He is very open to new ideas and hopefully this will lead to possible getting off more drugs. Will post results after my visit. burmag
MIrtazapine CAn make some people worse, and you could be one of them. And, then others, like myself, have used it for years and it totally got rid of my panic attacks and agoraphobia. That is something to discuss with your doctor though. I am assuming you were not on Mirtazapine BEFORE your surgery? As someone else said, beta blockers also can affect RLS. Those are the ONLY 2 meds you are on?