This might interest you :
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis... - Restless Legs Syn...
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure Cancer
Yep, at the very least it sounds like it "inhibits" the progression of cancer cells. And hemp might also. I wonder if marijuana users have a lower incidence of cancer? Seems like it would be a good preventative substance and especially if it runs in your family. It also sounds like an ingestible, non-psychoactive form is equally effective. And hemp might be a good alternative though it contains somewhat less cannabinoids.
And here's another reason to take another look at cannabinoids:
Actually there are lower incidence of cancer Among Marijuana users :
Today is the 6th day i have used Marinol. The Dr. prescribed it for depression as related to Parkinson's Disease. I am keeping a record of the entire first 30 days.
All i can say so far is the fact that i still have Parkinson's Disease. The rest is unbelievable, I feel completely free of all things Parkinson's. With in 2 hours of my first pill,, i felt none of the usual Parkinson's pain or depression,,, I was not totally stoned as i assumed i would become. Today is the first day i have had the slight buzz,,, but i've had an exciting time of the whole ordeal.
Friends came by,, they were amazed as i,,, I can walk, talk, no pain except when the pill wares off. When i have to take Carb/Lev the Parkinson's returns,,, but some what lessor. It's sorta like finding the light at the end of the tunnel. I still have Parkinson's,,, but it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
At present i am slightly stoned,,, no biggie. Life is good.
The experiment is from my point of view,,, i do not suggest this is the "cure-all" for everything and or anyone other then myself.
But i will say this is the best quality of like experiment i have had in several years. It just seems to get better. Thank ya God. LD
There is a post in the medical section of this page,that talks about how great THC is,for RLS..Well it is true..I'm waiting ,until it's legal,but it has no with drawl,and no side effects,accept a little buzz..So you will feel good,,,Better than feeling bad..And the big pharmas, have tried to hide the benefits of this medicinal plant from us,for 70 years...Turns out it is good for just about everything..!! AKA......Marinol!! Why does the Government,have a patent,on something that is supposed to be so terrible...It's no where near the danger,of alcohol and pills,or nicotine...Follow the money,folks!!
That's why i tried Marinol. Pot is not legal here,, I think Medical Marijuana was being debated,, So it's anyone's guess. I and thinking about relocating,, I am only allowed 2 pills a day,, that will not work,, Also sometimes ya feel like ya just need a "little bump" to get over that first mountain,, from their on,, it's smooth and moving,, Me thinks the other meds will become garbage real soon??? LD
I was wondering what dose of marinol you were prescribed dear DL ?

I started with the lowest they would give which is 2.5 mg. I think the next is 5.0. I believe the 5.0 would be best for me next time,,, but the cost is unreal. $300.00 for the generic brand, $600.00 Marinol. I can only assume the price increase with the strength of the pill.
Where as Medical Marijuana can be grown for very little,,, depending on how exotic a person may become. LD
The prices are too high at the present, and hopefully may go down.
I was wondering why Marinol ( tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC )) is chosen for medical purposes and not CBD !
Because THC mostly make you high but CBD helps on pain and sleeping.
The latest research seems to be pointing to the desirability of using a mix of THC and CBD/CBN in order to activate the "entourage effect", which helps with both the palliative and relaxing aspects of the herb.