Morning friends, this is 5th day with Gabapentin as well as Ropinorole it is one shade better but still going all day,am seeing nurolagist in two weeks hope he can help me. Been up since 3o clock Does anyone take more than 300mg of Gab may be if I increased them it would help thanks Beady 3
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Hi beady, yes you can go higher dose with gabapentin but I think it may be time to change from ropinerole. Discuss with your neuro , perhaps you could change to neupro patch or mirapex or a strong painkiller x

Pippin I have only been on ropinorole 8weeks do. You. Think I should I should give it longer x
No beady I dontIf its going to work it will work from day one, I think you should change.Maybe Neupro patch or try mirapex or strong painkiller.I am going to up my painkiller tomorrow night x

Pippin what pain killer are you on is Gabapentin a pain killer x
Gabapentin was originally licensed for controlling epileptic seizures however it is also used for nerve pain.So yes it foesvwork as a painkiller, My painkiller is zomorph , it is a slow release morphine x
Morning Beady, i did reply to your other post, but i guessed you missed it. 300mg of Gabapentin is a very low dose. I took 600mg when i tried it out, that dose didnt help me and it made me so sleepy in the day i stopped it. So, the answer to your question is yes, you can go quite high dosage wise on the med. Look at the treatment page on this website and scroll down it will give the dosage for Gabapentin (Neurontin) Just dont increase the Ropinerole because of augmentation. Alot of people get good results taking Gabapentin. But as we all know what works for one doesnt for another.
Oh, are you having augmentation on the Ropinerole...? If so, then no other med will help you while you are on the Ropinerole. As p1pp1ns has said time to change the Ropinerole.
Hi Beady how are you doing? X
Hi Beady, I was prescribed 2 300's Gabapentin each night and 1 100 and 1 300 three times during the day for neuropathy. I find this enough except in the evenings. So will talk to my Dr. next app. Drs. usually start you off lower and increase the dose until you are pain free. Apparently this is a normal amount but you can take up to 2400 a day. I still take 1 1/2 Mirapex late evening for RLS. I now sleep 7-8 hours a night. Definitely speak to your Dr. and good luck.
Hi, I am on Gabapentin and Ropinirole too. I have seen a neurologist today, but to be honest it was a waste of time for me. He has suggested that I try Clonazepam, but I am a single mum with a 4 yr old so it isn't ideal for me. Hope you have more luck. Xx
Hi Janine, welcome to the site! I have my first neuro appointment next week dont know what to expect as dont know anyone who has seen him.What sort of stuff did he ask/explain/recommend/advise it anything? What dose ropinerole do you take and is it helping? X
He did reflex tests and also pin pricks? I am on 2mg of Ropinirole and 900mg of Gabapentin. It works for me, but the problem I have is that my body gets used to it so I have to keep changing. Originally I was just on Ropinirole and reached the maximum dose. Then the same with Gabapentin and Neupro patch. Xx
Oh right thanks, many of us have this problem with the meds its usually when augmentation sets inI am currently on Neupro 1mg.Can you remember how long Neupro worked for you? X