I take Pramipexole (mirpex) 1mg three times a day and it works for me.
RLS: I take Pramipexole (mirpex) 1mg... - Restless Legs Syn...

May I ask the dosage of Pramipexole you are taking for just one single time you take it ?
I have only taken my RX for Pramipexole in the evening, right before bedtime.
I am tempted to have my Doc put me on dosages throughout the day as yours does.
I think I would get better results with that. RSVP on the dosage amount for one of the single times of three you take it each day.
Merci beau coup.......a.k.a. Thank you very much !
Elizabeth Bartz
To take Pramipexole through the day is because of daytime RLS. There is a slow release Pramipexole for those who might find that would be better for them, that means only taking one pill each day. But i have to say that taking 1mg three times a day = 3mg which is much to much and can result in augmentation. So, i wouldnt go down that road.

I have been on Pramipexole for over a year taking 1mg twice a day. But the the RLS started to flare up in the middle of the day so my doctor increase it from 1 mg twice a day to 1 mg three times a day. She said she could have increase the dosage to 2 mgs twice a day but she rather increase the frequency that way I'm taking a total of 3mg instead of 4mg., she wasn't concerned about augmentation at this dosage which she considers a low dose. And it is working for me so far without any side effects.
If you had started to get a flare up in the middle of the day, then that could have been the start of augmentation. By increasing the dose, will probably work for a while then your symptoms will come back. 3mg isnt a low dose. The new recommended dose for Pramipexole is now .25mg. because of augmentation.
3mg is a very high dose for rls and the fact that it coming earlier in the day is a sign of augmentation. Eventually that wont work and you will need 4mg then that wont work.

I will ask her about the slow release what is the dosage I would prefer taking one pill a day.
I dont know what the dosage is for the slow release, you could find out by googling it.

Thank you guys for bring this very important information to my attention I will inform her of this first thing Monday morning. I agree 1 time release is the best way to go, again thank you so much.
Always start any new med at the lowest dose first.
Pramipexole works for me too except for a period in the evenings when I am liable to sit and watch the TV. Then I get RLS twinges in an arm or leg for 1 to 2 hours.
The only thing to be wary of though is that if you decide to stop taking Pramipexole then apart from weaning off very slowly (Google NMS) you may find that you get very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
Google DAWS or see the following HU link
Also instead of taking individual doses htere is a prolonged release version that releases the drug over 24 hours, so one per day
Hi Rosetta I take Mirapex as well appx when do you take your doses? Mine does not seem to do the trick anymore. Iam at my wits end. Thank You for your time.