I found this quiet interesting, long ... - Restless Legs Syn...
I found this quiet interesting, long but a good read

Thank you for alerting us to this very informative article. Well worth the read.
Another interesting thing that is happening right now (or this week rather) is a "SIBO" symposium. I, for one, have no doubt that micro-organisms are behind my symptoms. Dr. Mark Pimental of Cedar Sinai (The king of sibo) is heading up the symposium. Usually after one of these conferences there is a flurry of new information released. I'm sure he too is convinced that RLS is somehow connected to bacteria. Not to be a downer, but I feel like our guts are similar to the bottom of the ocean - vast and unchartered. Truly the final frontier. And even though I've been touting the benefits of an iron supplement at night, I always wonder whether I am also fortifying the unwanted and bacteria in my body. Also when I read posts on here that people are helped by large doses of magnesium or vitamin C I wonder if it is because they act as a laxative (or possibly an anti-inflammatory) thus ridding the body of those darn critters. In addition to bacteria in the small intestine, I think the medical community should be looking at yeasts as well.
Also, I think this explains why some people's RLS is better while on antibiotics.
SIBO is bacteria in the intestines. ( ; Does that point to articles that say to
do an intestinal cleanse and then follow up my taking probiotics
such as true biotics to lessen the risk for yeast ?
great read, allthough somewhat surprising
very interesting article. Must ask my GP to review it. The SIMO connection looks particularly interesting for me. ( I've now developed chronic night sweats and despite getting the "all clear" following 2 days of tests, nobody can suggest a cause or any cure !)
I think that a lot of the MRI's of the spine would show the swelling
or inflammation going on if there was a money tree in the back yard
to have everyone tested. Mine showed inflammation of the spine and
slightly to the brain as well in May when RLS was my worst nightmare.
I did get put on anti-inflammatory medicine and antibiotics. It worked for me.
Once the antibiotic ran out, 2 weeks later, I had the symptoms. My neuro
say pft. She didn't think so.
Hi Doth, I'm not a big believer in intestinal cleanses. That's just one woman's opinion. I was tested for SIBO - twice - both times clear. But according to my old school, yet New Age, allergist, I do have an overgrowth of intestinal candida which is a yeast rather than a bacteria. And I get it under control with Nystatin and it always returns... eventually. Supposedly the same is true for SIBO and antibiotics and I would imagine for intestinal cleanses. The SIBO will return. Bacteria's will to live is every bit as great as ours. Bacteria actually form cities (similar to ours) called "biofilms". AMAZING. Supposedly these cities even have "slacker" bacteria.
I've been working on kicking my motility into high gear with ionic magnesium, vitamin c, selenium. I also take zinc and bromelain for inflammation and healing.
How do you feel in general - digestion and motility wise?
hi, everyone I am a new member and have read this article which I found very interesting has I suffer fro SIBBO and have recently been diagnosed with RLS the link is extremely interesting both conditions are horrible I don't know which one is the worst .Anyway look forward to reading all the comments made on this forum.
Hi Rosanna welcome to the forum yes rls is a difficult condition.I am not familiar with your other condition SIBBO could you explain what this is pls?

sibbo is small intestine bacterial overgrowth , I have multiple food intolerances, digestion problems and with the condition a great deal of gas is produced causing a lot of discomfort particularly when the gas gets trapped, its like rls a horrible condition it is caused by a few things mine started following food poisoning hope I have explained this okay. I found the article interesting when some studies have linked rls to sibbo.
Thankyou for the explanation rosanna2