Example of a new sub category for our... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Example of a new sub category for our rls site..It would clean up our site a lot and will encourage others to stick around..

12 Replies

I found this today while I was looking at other topics in the HealthUnlocked site..

This would go on the right hand side..it's a bunch of sub categories.. If we

had this over on the side, it would help people a great deal to start up on

this site.. We would change the category names, it has to pertain to RLS..

Good news is that Administration did contract me today to let me know that

they are hearing us. They are reading our posts and they are in the process

of contacting HealthUnlocked to be sure that it's even do-able.

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again, it's an example of the subcategories that they can type questions, posts

into. Old timers of RLS would not ever miss a newbie question...What are

you folks thinking of this on our site?

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12 Replies

Im quite happy with it as it is really.

in reply to

Thank You. That's important to know as well. =)

If it helps when newbies find the site, then its a good idea. Yikes, you are working hard for the forum, well done you. :)

I read Rosie's comment and its good that Admin are listening to idea's which could make the forum better. :)

Avosyl profile image

Would be great to have some kind of "index" like that as when I first found the site I found it a bit difficult to find the information I was looking for. It can be a bit off putting when you have to click randomly instead of going directly to the information area you want. By the time I had finished clicking on various areas I was completely lost lol

in reply to Avosyl

I've heard that. My family, a couple close friends are reading this

from time to time to understand what RLS is. They have said

much of the same.

Kaarina profile image

Hi Yikes, you really are throwing yourself into this. It is great to see. Thank you so much. :-D

It would be absolutely GREAT if we had an index down the side like the Thyroid UK forum. That forum has a HUGE following. I am on that forum too so "popped"over to see what they are up to. Soooooo much easier to manage, especially for newbies looking for help and support. Ok, so I can "muddle" through on our RLS forum but I always remember how it was before which was very much better. It is a shame to go backwards, we should be going forwards! We definitely do not want to discourage newbies from posting on ours. If the Thyroid UK forum has this "tidy and easy to navigate" format and Admin agree would it not be easy to put in place on the RLS forum...?

Thank you, once again, Yikes, for your perseverance, you are a star. :)


in reply to Kaarina

Oh I've seen that following... =) tidy and easy to navigate

would be the goal. thanks for your input. If they can do it,

then we probably can do it..thank you administration.. <3

Some of the other communities break it down by symptoms,

medications, talking to the doctor, bag of tricks, for newbies

to the site, and the misc which is a big one.

Yea, well when I found this forum, I was standing with my toes over the side

of the cliff. I never heard of rls. I had every symptom that was talked about

on this forum. I remember the relief when Nightdancer told me that there was

medicine for my condition. =) A lot of people stayed up with me while I was

in crisis. They talked me through their bags of tricks.

Kaarina profile image

So relieved to hear that you found this forum when you did, Yikes and that Nightdancer was logged in too. She has helped many on here. She is overflowing with up-to-date information on RLS. So good to hear that others were also there for you when you truly needed them. You will not forget them all, in a hurry. You look after yourself and keep up the good work.


Good to hear you got the advise and support you needed at the time Yikes. I agree with Kaarina, Nightdancer is great for info on RLS, she has been helping many many people for alot of years, not just on here. :)

in reply to

RLS has been my night life for so long and it went without

a name for me until 2 yrs ago when I found this site...so

I am trying to dig as deep as she did in knowing what my

options are. I am especially into the physical therapy and

chiropractic approach, along with acupressure, diet and


In finding those things, I never know how far is too far to share

on here. I cannot accurately confirm some of those theories..

I do know and believe that diet, stretching those hip flexors

really does help. Web MD has the very best demonstrations

of how to do that.. It's to loosen tight hips because if you sit

a lot, the flexors get very, very tight...(where the leg meets the

body - upper thigh muscles.. It keeps my hips so flexible and

I can go on and on about the release of the tension there..the

way that it makes my leg muscles relax..

Check with your doctor if it's okay if you can do these things.

Not any of it is hard to do and it just takes seconds to do them.

My lower back, my hinder, my thighs love the feeling. =D

In another forum, one lady squeezes her buns together...and

holds that position for 15 seconds- then she releases.. it

gets her through the day at work and she does it during meetings.

Imagine watching someone do that in front of the coffee machine

or the water fountain. haha.

cicek profile image

I found the site quite easy to use thank you (assuming I am doing it right!). Your suggestion for sub-headings as shown in the example sounds good and would be very helpful. I agree with other comments, you are doing a great job on here and I am so pleased I found you guys. Keep up the good work.

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