I stumbled across a link to these on facebook.
Has anyone on here tried them and did they help??
I stumbled across a link to these on facebook.
Has anyone on here tried them and did they help??
Haven't tried those (yet), but I'd be surprised if they worked.
If someone wants your money then i doubt it works. I have seen this on facebook too...
I had a look at the website they offer a money back guarantee, plus it's based on personal experience. Also check out the reviews lots of people have had relief from these bracelets
yes ive seen it, take your money for cheap jewellery, but its not going to help RLS one bit, a friend of mine actualy bought one, wore it for a few weeks, it didnt help one bit, she threw it in the garden, then told me that copper keeps the slugs away, lets see if it does
This post is untrue as halcyon bracelets are not sold as a single bracelet but in pairs and I can tell you that no one has bought just one, you must be talking about another bracelet
My post is certainly not untrue, you were not present when this conversation took place, so you cannot make this statement.
I have asked my friend abot the bracelets, and she says yes it was a pair
Those slugs will go green if they go near that copper take it down the scrap yard
thought so Just checking!!
Hacksaw anyone?
Really, I would check this out yourself and make you own mind up. The story regarding the bracelet being bought 3 weeks ago can't be a Halcyon Bracelet. The website was only launched 4 weeks ago and the bracelets are only ever sold in pairs. There is a money back guarantee
if you read my post, i did not mention 3 weeks at all, i said a few,
Reminds me of a nun that I truly admired... she used to wear
a rubber band around her wrist...
whenever she felt a panic attack come on, she would pull the rubber
band and snap her wrist sometimes more than once...
She later graduated to using Altoids (very strong mints) to distract
her mind from the pull of the panic attack...
I am guessing that this one product (bracelets) works the same way..
I did buy some for my daughter who was 11 yrs old at that time but
they were to keep her from getting car sick on very long trips.
For her, it worked... she played with them a lot and for her it must
have been mind over matter...they worked. =)
We'll try anything to help with are RLS But just to say that these don't work OR If people want money for it,That it wont work is Not really the correct thinking, As our med's we use cost money,I know the vast majority of these things are rubbish But reading the website it does offer a money back guarantee so if it doesn't work for you theirs No need to feed the Slugs just send Them back + get a refund!!! + No I have Not brought them Yet??? OR Work for this women OR Have any connection with her,I Just wanted to say please don't just dismiss things right away as If it works for you it works + Not every thing will work But don't rubbish things until you have tried them is all i'm saying as it might out-off someone reading this post from trying them + It might just help them??? If they give these things ago!!!.
Thank you for that I am very upset my the posts especially about charging for the bracelets. The cost of setting up a website, having the bracelets made so that they also look nice, packaging, leaftets and advertising have cost a fortune, Doing it for free is impossible when you have a family to keep
If it helps someone it's very ok! But I personnaly don't believe in this kind of things, I like to take myself and RLS seriously!
I've been a sufferer myself for over 30 years and I do take it seriously, hence getting the message out there to try and help people. As mentioned before it has cost a lot of money to set it all up but its up to the individual to try them or not. Its very hurtful getting such negativity when I know they are working for lots of people
I have had RLS for 39 years now, and tried lot of meds and different supplements, plus every gadget thats on the market, the only gadget that helped for a while was heat pads, but since my RLS has got a lot worse practically 24/7, nothing but meds work for me personally.
Since i know that RLS is a neurological disorder, i dont see how wearing bracelets will work, no matter what they are made of, and i have worn copper bracelets, as they are suppose to help arthritis, they didnt help mine, and as i said ive had rls for 39 years, it didnt ease my rls, and im saying my rls, not anyone elses,
I think you maybe taking yourself too seriously!!!
The comment regarding the bracelet being bought three weeks ago is not true as Halcyon Bracelets are sold in pairs. The website was only set up just over three weeks ago and I would be very interested if the person posting the comment could give me the name of the person who supposedly bought 1. As mentioned a money back guarantee is offered so they could have sent them back if they were unhappy. The other comments about people wanting money for a product is also hurtful. If money were no object then it would be wonderful to help people at no cost but unfortunately thats not the real world. The cost of setting up and running a website, manufacture of the bracelets, packaging, leaflets and advertising not to mention hours of work is enormous. To cover all of that, at what is not an astronomical cost, is only fair trade. I bet a lot of people spend far far more on their medication, perscriptions and other aids. The main aim of Halcyon Bracelets is to help fellow suffers.
i did not say 3 weeks, in any part of my post, and yes i was wrong... but only the fact that i didnt say it was a pair, i have corrected this, my friend says it was a pair of bracelets she bought, as she had seen a comment you left on another website for someone else, offering to help someone, so that is what made her buy them. and they did not work for her.
Please ask her to get in touch with me. Thank you
Ok sorry, my mistake
Or if you give me her name I will contact her as I have email address for all of the people that have bought the bracelets. You do not have to post on here, you can send me a message with her name if you prefer. Thank you
I find some of the negative responses here quite irritating!
We are a community come together because we all share the same misery and so surely anything which someone who also suffers, has tried and works is worth passing along. Such recommendations may not work for everyone but... at the very least we have some information with which we can make our own choices about whether or not to buy.
I have previously shared that the magnowraps work for me... most of the time, they don't work at all for one of my sisters - difference, difference, difference but please don't take out your own frustration and misery on someone who is just sharing something that works for her!
agreed, but we are all allowed an opinion, copper bracelets do not work for me, so that is my opinion.
I am neither frustrated nor miserable right now. I look for the science, and id there is no science, which there is not, then I said I believe in the placebo effect. And this is just general (not bracelet related), but having to do with all internet cures for RLS. 99% are rip offs and are selling to people "who will try just about anything". like I said I have a literal warehouse of "cures" and many people have tried them. So, in that respect, I object to any thing that promises a cure, especially when they say they are the only ones who have discovered the "secret". Aghin, I am not referring to the bracelets here, just fake cures in general. one by one they are being evaluated and removed from the internet, some of them being sneakier than others, always changing their web site name, etc. And one more time for clarity, not talking about the Sjarvo here, just fake cures in general. We all know they exist.
Ok well as mentioned they do offer a money back if they don't help deal so I am going to test them out myself and see how they go. As we all know with this condition what works for some does nothing for others. I just wanted to check with our community if anyone else tried them. I will let you know how I get on with them. I am willing to try anything currently
I hope they work for you, do let us all know how you get on with them
Some of the posters I respect most have replied to this thread, so I'm a bit irritated that their opinions are being characterized as negative. We ARE a community, not a group of yes-men. We owe it to each other to share our opinions. The overwhelming fact is, the only thing that helps RLS for a large majority of sufferers is medication - not acupuncture or chiropractics or magnesium supplements or melatonin pills or soap in pillow cases or yoga or special diets or hypnosis or jewelry.
So please forgive us when we're skeptical about something. Some of us have tried it all and spent the money and wish to help others avoid the wild goose chase. If the bracelets work for some, that's great, I'm happy for them. But it's not negative for us to say we don't think they'll work. That's our opinion based on our experiences with this insidious syndrome. And it would be disingenuous of us to say otherwise. I will not encourage someone to try something that I don't think will work. However, I won't attack them or make fun of them if they decide to ignore my opinion - THAT would be negative.
I will support anyone's decision on however they try to treat their symptoms and hope for the best, and support them however I can when/if it doesn't work. That's what makes us a community. If I told everyone I was going to buy special shoes that had goldfish in them, I hope everyone would tell me they didn't think it was going to work - but if I did it anyway, they wouldn't throw it in my face and would still offer me support and sympathy when I'm suffering. THAT'S our community.
I'm deeply sorry and apologize to all those that were irritated and upset by our responses in this thread, but I implore the community to not change one bit. Please keep sharing your opinions uncensored. Sometimes we're blinded by our symptoms and will do ANYTHING to make them go away. And sometimes we need someone to say: "hey... don't buy those goldfish shoes."
I also agree with you ookla.
I totally agree with you ookla!! You made a good point that comes right from my heart!! Thanks.
Right everyone's experience is their own, so if we say we do not think they will work, that is our opinion, and it is walking a very thin line to be selling in a support group. And, to ookla, thank you! We are not a bunch of yes men, and we have the right to express ourselves within the rules of the group. In my extremely humble opinion, you cannot have almost 1,000 members and expect everyone to agree all the time. Some people are so desperate to get rid of RLS, they ignore the medical information, and will try anything. The RLS Task Force (independent one) was created just for this ( an independent one) There are so many people who are selling cures and books, etc. I have a warehouse of samples that people have sent me over the years, and the they are all worthless. no one has a cure for RLS, and copper, in my opinion and experience, is already "natural", so why would these be advertised as "99% all natural copper"? So, speaking to that, I do believe in the placebo effect, when it comes to soap and all the other things ookla mentioned. With some people, if they believe it will work it might. There is no way these things can work otherwise. So, if you put the bracelets on your wrists, would they not "draw the electricity from your legs" and put it into your arms. The explanation is hazy at best. Again, and as always, my personal opinion, and I allowed to express that. ookla, great post.
Some bracelets out there are sold as "copper" but they aren't 99.9% pure some have nickel in and some have other metal. The more copper the more a conductor of electricity
I said I believe in the placebo effect, so if that works for you, great. There is nothing wrong with the placebo effect.
i totally respect you nightdancer you are very knowledgeable about RLS+MEDS,
but the thing is the purer the copper as it is in these bracelets (as pure as you will find) The better electricity flows + electricity flows in a circuit that is throughout the body not drawing electricity from your legs but it helps the electricity in your body to flow All around your body which generates electrons + in turn heat which may??? Help muscles relax + in-turn the nerves so this may explain why this help relive RLS Symptoms when wearing these bracelets???
Yes but all of you please remember that sjarvo who must be the owner of these,
bracelets was not using this site as a means to sell her bracelets she did not start this thread but just responded to it to defend herself + her product, Now Not All Copper is the same I have dealt with dozens of Hi-Fi Cables over the last 20yrs + the purer the copper the better the performance as the electrical signal flows better though the purer copper, we humans have an electrical flow so maybe that's why the purer copper is these Bracelets make them work better??? Not all Bracelets are the same as Not All copper is the same, mostly in life the dearer the materials the better they perform but they are more expensive, However this lady is offering a money-back offer so you have nothing to lose by trying them just because the copper bracelets tried before does not mean these will be the same.
My english is not that good that I can tell such a long message, but I read it and completely understand it and I feel the same as Ookla and Tallula, again: thank you so much...
thank you evaendennis, good morning, i hope we all have a good day, with no RLS and pain, and happy thoughts
I wish the same for you, too. IT is starting to get hot here, so no more heating pads. not looking forward to summer.
what's summer ??
Yeah right.....what's summer.....cold and blowing a gale where i am.....
My main aim is to help people suffering with restless legs, just as I am a sufferer myself. I thought this group would be interested in my help. It has been and still is very costly on time and money doing this. It is taking up a lot of my time and believe it or not a lot of people are getting relief from the bracelets. I work in accounts and have given up some of my hours that I could be working in that area to dedicate to the relief of restless legs. I have suffered for over 30 years and found this remedy that works for me and others but not many people know about it. Have you taken the time to read my website? The bracelets are sourced from 99.9% pure copper from the USA as that is the only copper bracelets that have worked for me over the years. I have tried other makes but they have never given me the same amount of relief. People pay a fortune in medications not to mention the side effects of meds. All I can say is that they have worked for me and others. I can't afford to manufacture and sell them for nothing I still have two children at home to care for and need a living, If money were no object it would give me nothing but great pleasure giving them away at a cost to myself. But the real world is not like that, well not my world. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to be able to do something for all the sufferers out there for free. If so please let me know how. I have not solicited this forum, I just got dragged into a witch hunt and trying to defend myself, just to let you know, have a nice day too
For those that haven't come across me before, my name is Rosie (tiredparent) and I am one of the Administrators for this site and a trustee for RLS-UK.
I am really disappointed with some of the comments that have been posted. The intention is that this forum is a safe, friendly, supportive environment for people to share thoughts about what helps and hinders their RLS. Yes, of course, we are all sceptical as we know there are people out there trying to make money out of RLS products and books that do not work. I understand why some of you feel the bracelets would not work and you may well be right. Even if there is a placebo effect taking place, that is still a good result for someone! I agree that for most people with severe RLS medication is probably the only answer but for those who have had little luck with medication or suffer RLS less severely, then non-medical options might be important.
We acknowledge that what works for one person with RLS may well not work for another. So, if we criticise new ideas and products and are negative without even having knowledge of the product, that isn’t very helpful to others. How do you know something will not work? Even if it helps one person, that is good in my book. If everyone is critical and negative about new things, then no members will feel comfortable mentioning them on the forum for fear of being ridiculed or criticised. If they do work, no one will know about them and therefore no one will get the benefit of them.
This lady did not come on the forum to sell the bracelets - she just defended herself when incorrect information was posted. She is willing to give a full refund if they don’t work. That doesn’t sound like someone trying to make a quick buck. I spoke to this lady sometime ago and believe she genuinely wants to help people, like herself, with RLS and understandably, she has been disappointed by some of the comments on the forum.
The spirit of the forum is supposed to be about helping each other and creating an atmosphere of respect and friendship. Myself and the other administrators (all volunteers) spend a great deal of our time on this forum and I for one do it because I think it works well 90% of the time and are proud of how the forum has helped so many people. However, on days like today, I really wonder why I bother. The lady who posted the original question asked ‘Has anyone on here tried them and did they help??’ A simple and straight forward question which led to 44 responses, many of them not helpful at all and some have been very critical. If you can’t say anything useful or helpful, please say nothing at all. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion but on the forum, it is more useful if it is based on experience or knowledge rather than just a belief that it is unlikely to work.
Rosie Braidley (tiredparent)
RLS UK and Administrator
May I respectfully disagree? In my opinion, we shouldn't have to put our hand in the fire and get burnt before we have standing to tell others "don't touch that." It is possible to have good opinions on other evidence besides personal experience. However, you've made it clear what you expect from us and I don't wish to cause anymore trouble. In the future, I will try my best to only make helpful comments based on experience. I apologize to you, the poster that asked about the bracelets, the poster that defended the bracelets, and anyone else that my comments may have upset. I sincerely hope no one leaves the forum over this. We RLS sufferers can be cranky (for various reasons - rls, meds, etc.), but we're in this together.
I completely agree with you. As someone with refractory RLS, I find all information helpful - but not "opinions". What are opinions based upon? If you've purchased them and they didn't work, then say so. If you haven't tried them but think it sounds bogus, keep it to yourself. I used dopamine agonists for 5 years (approved by the FDA) and then found out I augmented on them and it made my RLS worse. There are a lot of things science doesn't know about but may work for some people. Give them a chance. If it doesn't work for you and you purchased this product, please speak up. If you haven't specifically used this product, you are doing a disservice to the rest of us who may try it, as meds aren't always the solution either. I bet many of you are taking mirapex, or similar DA meds. They no longer work for me so should I tell everyone that they are rubbish and feed them to your garden slugs?
Keep an open mind and speak it if you've personally had a good or bad experience with Halcyon bracelets only - much appreciated.
ookla - I said 'it is more useful if it is based on experience or knowledge rather than just a belief that it is unlikely to work'.
I am quite happy for people to say they don't think something will work as long as they explain why and it has some basis (that's what I meant by 'knowledge'). I just felt people were not being very open-minded.
My daughter is 8 and I worry that one day she will develop RLS. I hope that she doesn't have to go thro what I have. Maybe because of that, I hope that people will keep trying to find new treatments. If they do, I want people to feel they can mention them on the forum, without being criticised.
Hi there,
I'm new to this forum, and happen to have ordered the said bracelets on Fri, so I will let you all know my experience of them if that's okay?
I have has RLS for many years, and it has got worse as I've got older, I was on amitriptyline which helped for a while, but then seemed to make things worse, so right now I'm off all meds, paracetamol helps a little.
The lady who sells the bracelets seems lovely, and answered all my questions, and offers money back, and at the price she is charging she can't be making much profit, if any.
As for them working, I don't know, logic tells me perhaps not, but we will see, I am a bit of a sceptic myself
Thanks sprat
Given I realise that RLS comes and goes, I am medication free at the moment, sometimes take a paracetamol
Night One:
No paracetamol, woke up three times, went back to sleep quickly, no feeling of RLS, woke up refreshed.
Hi sprat
I am waiting for the larger size bracelet to come in so not tried it yet. Would be interesting if a few of us could try it and can help spread awareness of it if it works for us as this could then in turn spare some misery for others.
I am the person that originally posted the question. I was not looking to slander the company that offer these more looking to see if anyone had tried them. I am on the max dose of rotigotine patches and thankfully it doesn't at present bother me at night anymore but my daytime RLS is now driving me insane especially as it is now my arms as well as my legs.
I have been advised by my specialist to try staggering my patches so I replace one in the morning and one in the evening instead of putting them both on at bedtime. If the bracelets also help if it comes on during my working day it will stop me having to stand at the computer to work!
I will keep you posted when I start using the bracelets too.
Best wishes
I think I might give them a try ! I am actually getting pretty desperate....I am a very sceptical person sometimes...but a friend of mine insisted on doing some reiki on me at the weekend. I've never had much faith in it ....but I could feel stuff..like a whirring electricity..in my rls areas. One never knows!!!!
So who is in the experiment then? Are we going to document it on here or start a new thread!
Day 0 ,awaiting delivery of said bracelets
Still day 0 ....not arrived yet ....but it is Sunday....anyone else out there "armed" with their bracelets? (See the little joke there?)
I have had them for a week now, with surprisingly good results. I have been keeping note of how my night hs been, so here's my first week...
No paracetamol, woke up three times, went back to sleep quickly, no feeling of RLS, woke up refreshed.
As above, woke up once for an hour, no RLS, woke up refreshed
Could not get to sleep till around half two, then slept, no RLS
Woke up around three, back to sleep quickly, woke up an hour before I had to get up, but felt relaxed, very slight feeling of RLS in my left leg
A bit intermittent tonight, waking up for short periods, no feelings of RLS
Daytime: 4.5hrs each way on steam train day out no RLS
Nocte: woke up once, no RLS
Restless, but not legs, more stress related
Slept well, woke once, no RLS
Sprat....what was your rls like normally.? I'm still on day 0 !
Normally starts as I sit down to relax in the evening, get bad when I'm in bed, affects my arms as well as my legs, even my back at times, I get very very restless, and don't get a lot of sleep.
I am also going the the menopause with affects my sleeping, given that I have a fairly responsible, stressful job, it's not good lol
I also realise that RLS is sometimes better than other times, and I don't see how these work, it is not logical, yet I've had the best week in many years, to be comfortable on a train for four and a half hours is unheard of for me.
But ask me in six months!
Have had rls for many years. I have no answer for the time in bed, but I have found a positive cure for when it strikes during the evening. Slouching in a sofa brings on rls very quickly, so i tried sitting up with a straight back. This will cure it in a short time--every time. Ideally your chair should be comfortably soft and high enough to have your thighs level. Leaning against the back of the chair will not work. you must support your back yourself. You soon get used to keeping your back as straight as it will go , but don't strain too vigorously, just comfortably straight.
Good luck
I would say this last week I've had a reduction in symptoms of about 80 to 90%
Wow that's absolutely brilliant!!!
You sound like you have a similar pattern to me. Well yesterday the rls started about 7pm. I put the bracelets on , fitted them carefully. Held out till 11pm then had to give in and take 2 codamol . So no luck I'm afraid! See what today brings.
Sorry they didn't work x
Sorry I am a bit behind in reporting my findings from using the bracelets. I was most hoping they would help while I was at work but I am currently off for a week so can't comment on that yet. I have had three occasions to test them out since receiving them last week and on two out of the three times they do seem to have helped take my symptoms away. The third occasion I doubted anything would have helped. One of those nasty attacks with arms and legs pinging away. At this stage I would say they are well worth trying. I will post more when I am back at work. Anything that saves me from attempting to work standing at the computer would be a gift from the gods in my eyes!!!
Well no luck so far unfortunately. I've held out with the symptoms for as long as I could. I'll give them a month and keep trying.
No but I do wear flip flops I don't why they help I have had restless legs fours years and the pain is sometimes so bad I have tried all kinds of different ideas like tonight I put deep heat all over my feet and legs I find the heat of this is better than the pain I think we got the devil within with this horrible syndrome but I say try to be happy and normal as you can started a new medication this week so feel like a bit of a zonby
What medication did you start ,Andrew20? Maybe we need a new thread for that since this is the bracelet thread, and this new setup is hard to get used to.
I havent heard one person as of yet, who the copper bracelets have worked for. All the groups i see and read, they all are sending them back...
Hi Elisse,
If you have a look at the treads you will see that they have helped me rather a lot I'm pleased to say
So I thought is just give you all an update of how I am getting on with them, if that's okay.
It is a month today that I started using them, and they continue to work, I was getting a tiny bit of RLS, but the symptoms were cut by about 85%, I had not measured my wrist correctly so they where a little on the loose side, and I mis shaped them a bit, so I decided to get the size down, now I am about 90% to 95% symptom free, so very very pleased.
I am med free too
So if you would like to try my old pair you would be welcome to have them, they are to fit size 7ins wrist.
Sorry about the typos in the last post, not easy using my mobile!
Also just go say there is good feedback from people about them on the Facebook page about them
I am pleased they are working for you. I see from one of your comments on here, that you just used paracetamol, maybe your RLS is quite mild.
Thanks for the offer of your old ones, but i think i will pass on it.
I was on amytriptyline as well, but it stopped working after a while, so I was taken off it.
My GP is reluctant to try anything else until I have been seen by a cardio consultant as I'm having some investergations.
So my legs where driving me nuts, very little sleep, and I work as a Practice Nurse, so need to be thinking straight!
I tried the bracelets out of desperation, and to my surprise they work, I realise it still early days, but if I can keep free of RLS meds I will be very pleased, will keep you posted
I did the RLS symptom questinarre at my GP surgery, and I came out as 'severe'
just as a side note, amitriptyline/Elavil is a tricyclic antidepressant that is listed prominently as a med that can exacerbate RLS. OF course, there are always exceptions, but the majority of RLSer's that I know, treat tricyclics as poison. And, it is listed in all lists that are up of "drugs to avoid" remembering the "exception" part. I would be very surprised if thy helped actual RLS at all. rlshelp.org(Dr. Buchfuhrer) rls.org (US RLS Foundation) webmd.com health.com and many more all have that same info, so I am not picking this out of the air. Did I see you said paracetomol (sp) helps your RLS? That is the same as our Tylenol in the US. For people with severe RLS, that is usually not a help to them, but one can only try, right? It certainly will not make it worse, that is for sure, like the antidepressants will (in most cases) in the tricyclic class and the SSRI class ( like Prozac and Paxil) Remember I said most cases, (disclaimer, disclaimer)
Yep it make them worse, my boss at work was surprised I'd been scripted it, I was only on a low dose, and it is not the first line medication, in the end it was driving me mad.
If the bracelets stop working and cardio say I can try the normally used meds I will try them, but even they do not work for everyone, and often stop working after a while, but just to reiterate my diagnosis is severe RLS.
I have been trying them too and they have been working sporadically. I think this extreme heat is not the best way to test them maybe...or maybe it is. On some occasions they have worked like a dream. On other occasions nothing works if something works occasionally then in my opinion it is better than nothing!!
That's good news, even the meds only work some of the time too
Well your right there sprat !!
RLS is in itself sporadic. Almost like it has a mind of it's own! Nothing works 100% of the time, whether it is meds, natural supplements, or bracelets. If anyone find s anything that can control RLS all the time ( at this point in time) I will eat this computer.
I know something that will control my rls, but coming on this site stopped me!!!!! but if i did that i wouldnt know if you had eaten it or not!!!! Ive just discovered something that helps a bit..hold onto the top of the doorframe hold some of your weight and rock from toes to heels!!
Have had rls for many years. I have no answer for the time in bed, but I have found a positive cure for when it strikes during the evening. Slouching in a sofa brings on rls very quickly, so i tried sitting up with a straight back. This will cure it in a short time--every time. Ideally your chair should be comfortably soft and high enough to have your thighs level. Leaning against the back of the chair will not work. you must support your back yourself. You soon get used to keeping your back as straight as it will go , but don't strain too vigorously, just comfortably straight.
Don't ever eat the computer.Some of the components contain nasties
I tried them - willing to try anything- but they did not work.