Does anyone think that anxiety causes... - Restless Legs Syn...
Does anyone think that anxiety causes restless legs? There seems to be a connection with me...

It doesn't cause RLS but it could certainly antagonise it (on some people) if they already have the disease.
I didn't realise until recently that stress can cause your symptoms to get worse. I didn't think mine could get any worse, but I have been under a lot of stress the past couple of weeks and at one point I went nearly 48 hours without sleep until I finally fell asleep with exhaustion. So my answer to your question would be yes the symptoms do get worse during stress which is why it has been suggested to me that I keep a diary and try and pinpoint the triggers to try and find out if they can be controlled better
thanks for your answer - glad to see that I am not alone but sorry for all who suffer with me like this!
yes me to, anytime im stressed, rls gets worse, and i know it sends my blood pressure up, i can hear it pounding in my ears

sorry to hear that you suffer like this too. I too have borderline/ high blood pressure and migraines and often it comes along with RLS episodes.
Stress is horrible all on it's own.
Your theory makes sense to me.
I wouldn't argue it at all. =)
Not sleeping aggravates my stress levels.

It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation isn't it? Stress aggravates it - it gets worse - you get more stressed - it gets worse!!
Stress is definitely a contributing factor for me. The higher the stress level, the more severe the symptoms. In my experience there seems to be a direct correlation.
Definately, I can tell now for sure, I have had a lot of stress lately with one thing and another and sure as god made little fishes, I get RLS everywhere, legs, arms and sometimes in my stomach, I know that sounds weird, but the same sort of anxiety feeling when the RLS starts up you get that sort of anxious feeling and before the shakes and restlessness starts, I feel the unusual feeling of something is going to happen, something like when you are going for an interview, you get the apprehension feeling and nervousness, well that is what it is like in my stomach, and it is not long b4 it starts in all the other places, especially my legs.
Stress I feel is as much to do with my RLS as anything, and I find it very hard to control my Stress Levels, because of what is happening in my life, and it certainly plays havoc with my RLS.
I hope my comments are of some help to you.
Take Care
I've always felt quite the opposite. RLS=lack of sleep & lack of sleep makes EVERYTHING stressful. When I think on times in my life that were excruciatingly stressful (like 6 deaths in the family in a few short months) I don't recall my RLS being any worse than it usually is. But not sleeping is itself very stressful so this one's a toss up! I would be lost without my Neupro!!
I have anxiety disorder. At this time my Anxiety is high which make my RSL Awful. i am sure ther is a coonection but how anxiety affect rls it is not really clear.but i think decresing anxiety and stress level will make some improve to the way do you use antidepressant for your anxiety because it worsen rls.i hope this help you i am waiting for your feedback.
As Eileen 49 has said, anxiety doesn't cause RLS but it can definitely make it worse for those who already have it, me being one of them.