Community Guidelines
As a member of HealthUnlocked you're expected to follow a few basic guidelines to ensure that every member feels safe and comfortable engaging with others in their communities.
Professional Health Information
Information posted on HealthUnlocked can support but will not replace the relationship between you and your doctor or any other healthcare professionals. Information from this site may inform your discussions as well as the exploration of treatment options with your healthcare professionals. You should always consult a healthcare professional if considering changing your medication or treatment.
Community Atmosphere
Your participation on HealthUnlocked should be with respect, honesty, and in the spirit of supporting and learning from your fellow users.
HealthUnlocked is not a form to create negative feedback about identifiable individuals. Negative and damaging references to identifiable individuals may be edited or deleted either by HealthUnlocked or by a community administrator.
Publishing Content (Questions/Posts/Replies/Private Messages)
Anything published on HealthUnlocked should be understood as being the views of that individual and does not necessarily represent the views of a particular patient group or of HealthUnlocked as a company.
As a member of HealthUnlocked you agree to publish information that is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and you agree to publish information that is primarily drawn from your expert knowledge or personal experience.
Any content published in a HealthUnlocked community can be read, used, reproduced, and cited by other members of HealthUnlocked, but you always maintain the option of deleting any content you have submitted at anytime.
When you publish information from third party sources, such as information about new treatments, you are asked to provide references and links wherever possible.
If an account is suspected of violating any of these guidelines as stipulated above, particularly in the instance of bullying or spamming, that member's account may be restricted or banned.