keep getting anxiety attacks even after 4 mon... - Quit Support

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keep getting anxiety attacks even after 4 months cold turkey

19 Replies
19 Replies
EmJay profile image

Hi Malley, you've gone 4 months without using anything? That's brilliant! :-)

How long did you smoke for and how many?

Sometimes cravings can creep up on us quite unexpectedly and lead us to feel anxious. Do you find any particular pattern to these attacks? - For example, are they during the daytime or the evening, does it happen whether or not you are in company or alone?

I know I've asked a lot of questions there, but it just helps me to build a picture up so I know what advice is best to offer you.

You've come to the right place for help and support :-)

Hi, I smoked for 30+ years and smoked 10 to 30 a day, Mostly when I relax and got nothing to do , more of an evening. People say this should of passed by now but I have been on google and other people have the same symptoms even after 6 months.

darrenyoung profile image
darrenyoung29 Months Winner in reply to

What sort of anxiety attacks? What are the symptoms?

EmJay profile image

Hi Malley, everybody is different and at the end of the day it's all in how you deal with it. Depending on your mindset, the good news or the bad news is that it's you that's in control of it :-)

After 30+ years of smoking, your body and mind aren't going to forget about it overnight.

Once you are all settled to relax during the evening, do you find that you start to think more about smoking, like it just kind of pops into your head? A lot of people say that you should do something to keep occupied but sometimes it pays just to focus on whatever it is you are feeling.

Have you tried any breathing exercises? They can be really helpful and can be used to relax or energise you.

I have a breathing exercise that may help... If you have a look in our blog section, I'll put up the breathing exercise there for you.

Remember to stay positive, you've done really well so far :-)

Thank You I will Do That

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

hi malley oh well done on cold turkey and 4 months too. i think i would have gone mad by now, i have taken the i wont say easy option but helpful in my view the patches i am now on the 14mg patch for 2 weeks then will go on the lowest, this seems to have eased cravings but i still get them, but you have done so well my cravings are worse when i get up as thats when i used to have my first ciggie and when im driving i dont have them anymore after lunch and dinner. thats gone completley but im sticking to this quit i have never felt healthier, keep positive malley and on this site and you will get through this

xx lin

Thank you for your kind words windylindy50 it was all going fine till I had a car accident, and knocked my head in work then all this stress/anxiety to deal with.

No posionious best friend to turn too I feel.Me to the ciggie first thing when I awoke is the one I crave the most. I will not let the cravings win

Lenne profile image

Hey Malley, wow you are totally rocking this well done! I totally get how hard it is to handle things without your "best friend" but I tried thinking on it as the ending of Scooby Doo, when they pull off the mask and it's someone else? You pull off the mask of the "best friend" and its Nicotine Monster who just wants you to feed it and in return wants to make your life a living hell.

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

hi malley things are sent to try us and we can all cope with them non smokers dont reach for ciggies why should we? we are as strong as them and as you have shown the strongest one. yes there will be times when we want to smoke ex smokers even say 5 years down the line they get a crave, its a case of ignoring them. are you still cold turkey? if things get too abd try a bit of fruity nicotine gum mg it really does help with the craves, but if you are determined to carry on ct then be strong malley we all know you can do this


windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

sorry re spelling meant to type bad and 2mg thats another thing gone to pot since my quit spelling and concetration

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

hi malley how are you doing today keeping strong come on here for a chat and support were here for you

HI Windylindy 50 had a bad couple of days notn with wanting to smoke but with really bad anxiety heart pounding went to A + E said I needed to relax more, but still cant sleep, have had a better day today thank you

EmJay profile image

Hey Malley, did you try doing some breathing exercises? If you can, try and set some time aside for yourself each day. Even if it's only 5 minutes. Use this time to focus on your breathing and notice how you are feeling. If you have longer, maybe lay on the couch or on your bed and try a gentle breathing and visualisation exercise. This kind of tecnique can really take you elsewhere and calm you right down. Especially if you are feeling quite anxious.

I really do hope you start to feel better soon but this will take time and the more you try to help yourself, the easier it will become.

Huge positive vibes being sent to you :-)

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

hi malley emjay is correct with the breathing which i have had to use yesterday and this morning yesterday was the worst all i wanted to do was cry which i did on a couple of occasions i tried the deep breathing and it helped a great deal i think you are finding your quit stressfull but you have done so well to keep of the ciggies, im nearly 6 weeks smoke free and there is no way would i want to go through all this again i have tred so many times before and started again but this quit was different i wanted this so much,i am glad A&E have said to relax more you know i had a pamper bath it was lovely you have one too just because youre a bloke dosent mean to say you cant have a good soak with bubbles in i felt so good and smelt nice too instead of ciggies, but try the deep breathing it really does help or maybe have a chat with your doctor thats what they are for to listen and help let us know how you get on wont you and keep strong malleyx


nessmac profile image

i have also been off the fags for 4 months and get time s during the day when i get a craving n what i do in that time is think about how the stress has nt got any worse even thoough i no longer smoke it s just the same i look after my husband 24/7 so every day is stress fully but i am determined never to smoke again i also smoked 20-30 fags aday for 30+ years

EmJay profile image

Hi Malley, haven't heard from you for a while. Hope everything is better for you now. :-)

Nessmac, you are so right. Whether you smoke or not, the situation doesn't change. However, nicotine has a pronounced effect on the major stress hormones, so can lead to you actually feeling worse in yourself. Good for you on stopping smoking for so long now :-)

Deep breathing is good. :) Sometimes, to my surprise, my body just does it for me without my thinking about it. Whereas before, when I felt stressed (extra stressed I mean, as I feel stressed constantly) I'd have taken deep inhalations of obnoxious substances, now I do it with fresh air and, amazingly, it works pretty well at calming me down! Who'd have thought it? ;)

katecart1994 profile image

Hi there,

I was a full time smoker for about 6 years. I quit in January and began to get severe anxiety. I've read that it goes away with time but I'm feeling discouraged because while it is getting better, it's still occurring. I take klonopin when I need it but it's still very hard to not worry about things that either will not happen or are of no control.

Send help, I do t know what to do!

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to katecart1994

Hi Kate and welcome to Quit Support 😊

Please have a look at the pinned posts as there are very helpful ones about anxiety. Our brain chemistry changes when we stop smoking and we need to activate those happy hormones. Find something you like doing, maybe a walk in the fresh air or some type of exercise can be very beneficial.

You are doing so well with 4 months smokefree and can be very proud of your achievement. These side effects will pass but it does take time. Try some of the breathing techniques also.

Lots of lovely people here to help you on your journey. It’s definitely not easy but it will be worth it💐😊x

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