Just noticed my badge is still on 4 months...and im coming up to 6 months...which im buzzing about...cant believe im nearly there!!! Can I have a new badge pleeeeese.
new badge??: Just noticed my badge is still on... - Quit Support
new badge??

Ooooh well done time seems to fly at the moment, soon we will both be looking forward to our 1 year badge EEEEk x

1 month to go well done you.

20 days to go and then you have managed half a year Wow! thats super.

Aup Mummykins, its lovely to see you gal
I'm sorry
( holding my head down in shame ) cos I think I may have court you another 4 month badge, instead of a 5 month badge, tut tut
but I've bin and got you one gal, I must say it does suit you better than the 4 month badge
I think its got more ermmm, charisma with it, dont you think
A massive gigantic well done Mummykins, 5 months is just flippin awesome gal
and I feel sooooo proud of you tooo
I will make sure I get the 6 month badge right for you, I promise I've got it down to the 8th September
I just hope this date is right
If not, just bash me over the head with a frying pan or a rolling pin, cos I might be able to see what am doing then eh
Take care gal and see's ya soon

Hey Mindermummy, well done to you, you are doing brilliantly and I just love that new badge you are sporting
Looking forward to seeing you show off your next one
I'm so happy that you are buzzing about it, I'm well chuffed for you
A true winner!

great look shiny badge there mindermummy
fantastic effort.. Keep up the awesome work

Congrats on that lovely new badge minder mummy and not long to your next one either, well done Hun x
Yep 8th sept is what I had down. Thanks everyone. I do feel proud .
Hi ya Mummykins, yep, got that sorted for you I will be out this weekend a frolicking in then flippin fields gal annnnnd for the bestest 6 month badge I can catch
Just wandering, as I do sometimes if your doing anything special to celebrate your fantastic achievement
Hey, you heard anythink from Chrissie ??
Thank you.. Well my other half had said he would be me a charm for my bracket at 6 months....so will be dragging him out soon!!
I have messaged Chrissie privately, but not heard back
Hey, Mummykins, when you drag him out, just make sure his got his fattttt wallet with him eh
Yeah, I've PMd Chrissie too, but had no reply I do hope she is alright
but last time I spoke to her, work was really getting her down
Chrissie will be 6 months quit on the 24th Sept, cos she went calender months, so perhaps she will appear then hopefully
You take care now and speak soon
I am now on 8 months. Feel well chuffed with myself, but am still puffing away on my e-cig. Still get breathless tho when I start to smoke it! I have asthma, so it could be a trigger point?
I wouldn't of quit this long without it tho!!
Hey Kirsty, well done to you - 8 months smokefree! Looks like we missed your 6 month badge but how fab is it that you moved swiftly from 6 to 8 months
I see your new badge is getting polished up and ready now
Well done!
Thanks Emjay. Time flies when your having cravings, lol!! x
Wayyyyy Hayyyy Kirsty 8 months quit now gal
and YES, you feel welllllll chuffed with yourself cos that is just awesome gal
at the moment, I can only dream of being 8 months quit, just hope it comes true eh
Kirsty, you stick with the e-cig gal maybe just try and cut the nic down a bit
that may help your asthma a bit
Not sure what strength your using, but, if you cant cut down to the next stage, then perhaps try putting half of your normal strength and half of your lower strength liquid in the e-cig
so that it isnt tooo much of a drop for you
if you see what I mean
I assure you kirsty, I will have that 9 month badge ready shined up for you when it is due
Lol, thanks Monky.
I will certainly try to cut down on the nicotine front. I have gone down from the full strength of 21mg to 18mg, but still feel chesty every now and again. I'm wondering if it's not the nicotine, but the vaping liquid???
Anyway, I can't wait for that 9 month badge, it's been a "long and winding road".
How long have you been quit for?