Do you ever wonder why so much of today’s life is self-serving ? When we hurt, it is nice if someone really cares. I would like to go to a CPTSD in person group. None I have found exist. So much of life is simple, (being together, taking time to listen or talk. Realizing how beautiful to care about others can be.)
I do not meet anyone who is interested in others. I went to a Jewish group for the first time. I’m sitting alone at a table. Some looked at me, knowing I was new there. They didn’t say hello. I won’t go back.
Had 3 therapists. No empathy or compassion. Reading a PTSD book. Some of it makes sense.
How many people in California where I live, walk this life eyes closed. Hearts closed. I would prefer the peace of my home rather than going out to experience the disconnect of others. It would be so welcomed to sit with others with PTSD, only to be present. I had a best friend years ago from Africa.
He said people in Africa have very little. People in the USA have slot. People in Africa have each other. People in the USA do not.
May you be kind to yourself.