Is it okay to ask for more support
Need more support : Is it okay to ask for more... - PTSD Support
Need more support

Yes it absolutely is ok to ask for more support. I am glad you are reaching out.
Nothing aboit me matters and all my dreams don't matter either. Everything is ruined for me
You matter!
I'm suffering with nobody to talk to . My goals and dreams are gone why did I have to be abused in my past, give up a baby t9 abortion, be retraumatized
I am sorry you are suffering. Have you considered getting a therapist to work through the abuse and retraumatization?
Therapy even has me nervous as previously mental health professionals were even mean
I am sorry you had negative experiences. I am very grateful that I have good mental health professionals. There are some good ones out there.
I know the feeling. I looked for a therapist that had 30 years of experience. She is great. Please keep trying. I'm 55 and I wished I had keep trying. I was in agony and pain too long. I have at least 10 health conditions.

I'm sorry and thank you for responding just been very hard for me . I feel lost
I totally understand. It is very hard.

The loss of who I am scares me
You are strong. You can do it. I know it is hard. I struggle everyday. I don't feel normal.
I don't either. Don't know what's happened to me wondering of I've been retraumatized