Apart from communication difficulties, my mum's restlessness is the biggest problem we have.
I say we, but it is mainly for my dad who cares for her most of the time. She is constantly standing up out of her chair and then flopping back in - adjusting her clothes, wanting to go to different rooms, wanting the fan on and off, wanting her clothes changed, cardigans on and then off, the toilet every half an hour.
She doesn't seem to be able to sit calmly anymore and it is exhausting for my dad as she cannot stand or walk unaided and he is up and down all day helping her. It causes a lot of friction between them as he seems to think that it is something she should have control over. Sometimes he thinks she is doing it just to annoy him!
I'm pretty sure this must be something she can't control - has anyone else experienced this? Is it boredom, she has said before that she goes to the toilet so often because she is bored? Is it discomfort? The Parkinson's nurse who came to see us suggested that she take paracetamol semi-regularly in case she has pain which makes her restless.
Does anyone have any tips or insight or is this just a phase of the illness? She cannot speak at all anymore so it is very difficult to know what she feels from her perspective.