I only posted last week to say how anxious I was about our meeting for a DST assessment. Well it took almost 3 hrs of discussion and observations which left me feeling emotionally drained, however, today I received the news that my husband’s application has been successful. I can’t tell you what a relief this is and how grateful I am to the CHC representative who undertook the assessment along with our social worker. She was so knowledgeable with the level of detailing required to assess each domain and seemed well read on the symptoms of PSP and its complexity.
I asked if the decision was based on how many severe, highs, moderate etc we scored on and she said no. We disagreed on a few areas with me scoring my husband higher but the CHC rep said it was better to score low as we will be reviewed in 3 months time so whilst it is unlikely his symptoms will improve as this is a progressive disease it leaves room to raise the scores if a further DST assessment were required. She said it is normal practice to review after 3 months but nothing to be concerned about. The letter mentions a possible Personal Health Budget which I said I would not be opposed to. I am also being given 2 hrs of respite 3 times a week for myself.
To all of you who gave me invaluable advice and guidance I thank you. I am surprised at how quickly this has all happened given some of you have found the process very distressing and had to wait a long time for a decision. I guess we are extremely lucky. Fingers crossed everything goes well and we find the level of care and support my husband is so deserving of.
If I can offer any help to others embarking on the CHC process, I’ll be happy to share my experience.