It has taken a week to cry and regroup - now I am centered around my meaning, purpose and am hopefully back in the game dealing with what 'Appears to be PSP'
'Appears to be PSP' - Actually a *positive... - PSP Association
'Appears to be PSP' - Actually a *positive* thing and a call to action and no I am not insane

Loved your article. Have forwarded it to my husband. We both have decided to accept the situation positively and focus on mental well-being.
Hi, i don't even know if you will get this, as i am hopeless with technology.How do i get into yr blog, is that what it's called.
My brother, aged 84 this mth has PSP, only diagnosed maybe 3/4 yrs ago.
You are very young, i so love yr attitude.
I believe being positive is prob worth more than all the different coloured pills put to gether.
My brother is like a walking pharmacy.
All the best
Sheelagh/ Machoupa
Ah, hidden genius...😊I managed to find all you have written.
Fair play to you.
I am never comfortabe writing to a group, while i am only addressing one particular person.
Is there a way one can write secretly to just one individual?
I don't think i have anything to offer to people with PSP except Light, Compassion, Practise of loving kindness and prayers, being on the fringes of it myself.
Blessings and strength to you on your journey. Your positivity is amazing. 💚
Hi Ben,
Subject: Raising Awareness for PSP
Hi Ben,
Maintaining a positive outlook is essential when facing PSP (as another Tim would say, “please stay positive”).
Eleven years ago, like you, I realized that alongside preserving my mental and physical well-being in my battle with PSP, I needed to channel my time and passion into a new purpose. That purpose is raising awareness for PSP and advocating for improved outcomes for those affected by atypical Parkinsonism—PSP, CBD, MSA, and DLB. More broadly, I want to show that a diagnosis does not mean life stops; rather, life continues to provide opportunities to contribute, to enjoy, and to make a difference.
If you are looking for ways to support better outcomes for patients and caregivers, I encourage you to visit :