PSP-CBD, MSA and DLB awareness.
Faces and Voices Campaign - Share your story and make a difference towards raising awareness, understanding and support for treatment, and ultimately, a cure.
PSP-CBD, MSA and DLB awareness.
Faces and Voices Campaign - Share your story and make a difference towards raising awareness, understanding and support for treatment, and ultimately, a cure.
Tim, I just listened to Pam and Warren's "Faces and Voices" contribution. Please thank them for me ! Their video imparted the most important aspects of the PSP experience from every angle ! "Faces and Voices" would educate professionals much more effectively than a medical text ever could !
I will have the hospice nurses and informal caregivers who assist me with my sister's care view this presentation. Inspirational and educational !!
Thank you and all of the contributors again for all of your efforts and positivity !!
Warm regards,
Elise, one of the main goals of Faces and Voices campaign is to educate the medical community. The campaign will also have an informational card with a QR code on the back, and when scanned will provide pertinent disease information ie. symptoms for the medical professionals as well as the patient's/caregivers stories.
Please consider sharing your and your sister's story for Faces and Voices. Visit the website and click on the button on the banner titled Faces and Voices. Your story, your way.
Tim x
Is there a time limit on the campaign? I'd like to share our story but I'm not ready yet ❤️🩹
I understand. No, no limit per say. The CCF-(Coleen Cunningham Foundation) received a $10 K US/month Google AdWords grant with no time limit, providing we can provide the analytics to support the grant.
Great video. Really captures the difficulties faced by both sufferer and carer......
Richard 🙂