Main things others might learn and benefit from my many personal, health, family and money failures is:
1. My diabetes is killing me, literally. Don't be like me! Do regular blood work. Fire your general practitioner if he or she fails to order blood work at least once annually. Most of my problems and failures in life are due, at least partly, to my failure to do this.
2. If blood work reveals you are diabetic, then immediately, you must find an endocrinologist who you like and trust. Then do all he or she might suggest or recommend. Do it. No excuse. It will save you time and misery. Sign up for all the optional free classes on how to be a good diabetic! Here I am 69! I coulda lived to 120, but now, with only a few years or left remaining, in pain always, I wish very much that I had known way back all that I now know....
4. Diabetic or not, regardless of age or health, you must today choose not to be fat. Eat right. Meet with a dietician. Exercise. No excuse.
5. If you and your spouse are going to argue, then, whether kids or not, STOP. If you cannot stop, then (even if you are hiding it from the kids and others) I recommend don't both of you live in the same house.