Hello, I have posted a couple of questions on here before, This is a bit different, I am hoping writing this post will be therapeutic. As a family we have been so careful with Covid - mask wearing, regular testing etc in the fear of my mum catching it and what it would do to exasperate her CBD. My dad who is mum’s carer caught Covid last week (narrowed down to a sho visit) and me and mum in turn caught it from dad. Our worst nightmare became real. I support dad with mums care around my senior full time job and just before Covid caught us mum had deteriorated quite a bit, very minimal mobility so it takes 2 of us to move mum. I have been fighting for occupational therapy support for weeks, getting no where because they have a back log. Private care companies not engaging in discussions with us until OT assessment. CHC application declined at 1st round. It’s been so stressful. Then bang….Covid hit us. As soon as I tested positive (after mum and dad) I moved in with them so dad was not left on his own unable to move mum. All 3 of us with Covid, unwell and trying to care physically for mum. In a desperate cry for help I told mums GP if we don’t get help I would call an ambulance as we can’t care for mum safely to meet her needs. It was a threat. All of a sudden we get assigned urgent care response and for once we are being listened too. That was Tuesday but before that support could kick in mum has ended up in hospital. Unfortunately, mums appetite was diminishing and we have struggled to feed and water her, I called the GP yesterday in fear of dehydration. An ambulance came 4 hrs later, gave an IV drip and decided not to admit mum. We continued with giving water but this morning mum was not good so insisted GP came out which resulted in A&E admission. Now my mum is all alone in hospital, I pray she will be released tomorrow. We can’t visit due to us all with Covid. I got permission for my husband to be with her in A&E due to her dementia but she is so distressed. He wasn’t allowed to go with her to the ward. Dealing with this cruel disease is tough enough. My husband did his best to explain CBD and mums needs. I can’t bear the thought of her alone, she was so scared.
Distressing week -Covid & CBD: Hello, I have... - PSP Association
Distressing week -Covid & CBD

You certainly have a full plate. Sending prayers and hugs for you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear this. I know that you and your family will all be in our thoughts. Please keep us up to date if you can. It continues to amaze me that nothing happens until you reach crisis point. Big virtual hug. AliBee
Thank you for your kind words of support. I have pushed for mum to come home as she is medically ok. However, the CBD has progressed as we feared. Conversation has been hard and we have identified a slur in her speech over the phone. We just want her home now so we can care through love. The rapid in home care starts this evening.
Yes you do have a full plate. I wish you all the best.
Poor you. That is just too much going on. It is my biggest fear having Ruth in hospital and not being able to support her. I do hope things improve - as far as that is possible!Richard
Thank you Richard. Keep Ruth safe. Mum has declined dramatically as a result of the infection and the stress of hospital. It’s heartbreaking.