• In November 2020, I was diagnosed with a Parkinsonism suggestive of PSP, with possible onset in 2018, being Freezing of Gait only on turns my complaint.
• In May 2017, I suffered a severe acute pancreatitis due to medication (Janumet, sitagliptin).
Started vigilance of pancreas with regular MRIs using Gadolinium-Based Contrast Administration (GBCA, is a ferromagnetic element, along with iron, cobalt and nickel).
From May 2017 up to September 2019, I was submitted to six MRI with GBCA!
I found in the Internet that Gadolinium may stay retained in the brain (mainly in substantia nigra and globus pallidus).
May Gadolinium have any relation with my Parkinsonism?
• In November 2015, in spite of no symptoms or complaints, I decided to be submitted to an ACDF - Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion surgery to a herniated disc, level C4-C5, with an area of myelomacia (decompressed, but that will stay there forever.
My fault, this was a WRONG DECISION: complaints started just after the surgery, increasing until today (neck and shoulder pain, neck stiffness, tingling in hands, difficulty in maintaining the correct postural position, unsteadiness...).
May these complaints mimic my Parkinsonism?