Quarantine discoveries : I trust everyone is... - PSP Association

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Quarantine discoveries

bazooka111 profile image
17 Replies

I trust everyone is hanging in there. We have been taking things one day at a time, and have pulled out all the board games. Re-established game night with our small circle that is allowed in the house as we continue to self-quarantine, even though our society is opening up —- I am far from convinced, so we are staying put.

Picture is of my sweet Momma experiencing the benefits of her pointing finger in the game of Jenga - this was a good day last week. With CBD, her finger points constantly, and she tends to laugh at herself —- which by the way ... Mom laughs at some of the most unexpected times (not a lot, but it happens).... we just go with it.

This week she is exhausted it seems. Sleeping more and more during the day, and struggling with swallowing, accompanied by lots of coughing.

It’s been a tough few days ... but we’ve managed to find moments that make a smIle burst into laughter, or even a giggle ... I’ll take it.

I appreciate the friendships I have made on this forum.

Blessings to you.


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bazooka111 profile image
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17 Replies
honjen43 profile image

Think you are doing the right thing in staying inside!

Rest of the world seems in total chaos at present and without clear cut leadership.

Meanwhile, Downunder, we have had 2 cases in a week and are beginning to venture out. Kids gone back to school today. Still can't congregate in church or go for a casual drink at the pub, but can go out for a meal with wine as long as socially distanced.


Jen xxx

bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to honjen43

Hey Jen! I have several friends in New Zealand, and have admired your leader and her approach to all of this pandemic, but also other approaches she has done in the past. I don't get political, but I will say -- we have a hot mess up here, and seriously need leadership.

After everything that has opened, I will sit back and watch what the next 15 days brings. Praying for a vaccine.

Hugs back to you


Railfan profile image

I'm so glad your mom can still enjoy family game night. I have been sleeping more as well and think it's progression in my PSP. But even during this Covid isolation I have found a way for interaction with a few of the grandkids that distance can't stop. We have been playing a game on the Nintendo Switch called Animal Crossing. With it, our characters can visit each others islands through the internet. We go exploring, sit and chat along a beach or on a hill top, play tag and even dance (somewhat) together.

HilsandR profile image
HilsandR in reply to Railfan

Lovely post, Railfan, what a great game to share with the grandkids. Your description made me smile; such fun and a lovely connection for you all.

Best wishes,


bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to Railfan

Railfan! Animal Crossing ... never heard of that, I will have to check this out with my nephew! What a great idea :-) I had considered getting Nintendo Switch -- I love Mario Brothers! :)

Hang in there ... and enjoy your adventures with your grandkids, super cool!


SewBears profile image

Your mom looks like she’s really having a blast with the game! We’re staying put too. I haven’t enjoyed eating out in such a long time that I don’t even miss it. I trust my cooking more than I do an unknown chef.

It’s really tough on graduates to celebrate this year and it’s sad but we make the best of it, right?

My grandkids are both changing schools next year. The youngest is graduating from elementary to attend middle school. The eldest is graduating middle school to attend high school. My daughter is putting together a surprise video movie for each kid whereby everyone they know will record a short “I’m so proud of you” speech. I’ve completed my assignment but I keep thinking of things I didn’t say the first time so I’ll probably record more. Every time I bring the app to hubby to record his voice he’ll be sound asleep. I was tempted to record him snoring because I thought that it might be funny. He woke long enough to mumble a few words but then he went right back to sleep. So... like your mom, my lovely man is sleeping more and more these days as well. I still try to stay busy but there are times when I don’t feel like doing anything at all. I guess this is normal and just part of the process.

I’ve said enough for one night and I’m going to try and get a little shuteye.

Keep finding the fun!

❤️ SewBears

HilsandR profile image
HilsandR in reply to SewBears

I understand completely, SewBears. When you are caring for someone your life, as you knew it, goes into its own kind of lockdown, or at least that’s how I felt, and there are times that it is so hard to get motivated even when you’ve got a whole list of things to tick off. It is quite normal under the circumstances and after a ‘can’t be bothered’ sort of day we most often find we do bounce back. When friends ask me how I am doing in Covid lockdown I can tell them, quite truthfully, that I am ok as had years of lockdown with Rod and somehow adapted/accepted. None of them have a clue, to be honest but that’s just the way it is.

Love your sense of humour, don’t ever lose it; I grinned from ear to ear at the idea of recording hubby snoring but maybe something to check out with your daughter first - lol. Lovely thing she is doing for the kids, by the way.

Hope the brood are doing well - you are getting such enjoyment from keeping tabs on them and so are we.

Love Hils


bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to SewBears

I just spit out my coffee reading your post -- recording him snoring -- I just find that hilarious!

I love the idea of surprise video movie for each of the kids -- how special! I was sitting in my back yard last week, and witnessed a parade for the local seniors --- schools busses, fire trucks, police, community celebrations -- it was very touching. Congratulations to your kiddos!

As for eating out -- isn't that the truth?! We discontinued our "eating out" ventures back in the fall for the most part; it was starting to be more difficult for Mom, and I know she was feeling uncomfortable --- so, we love to cook, and now we embrace our creativity in making meals. I am blessed to have two chefs in the house --- my husband can really cook, and my son Alex is really good! So eating in is our new normal!!! :)

Hugs to you SewBears! XO

HilsandR profile image

Aww, lovely pics Kim and so heartwarming to see that you can still keep mom included and occupied in the way that you do so well. I can see she is looking more tired even with that beaming smile jumping out of my screen and I really do appreciate how exhausting this is for you and your family as well. The emotional side of it is absolutely draining, it takes its toll on you all with each downturn. I see your lovely friend, Linda? is helping to entertain your mom - those friends are rare and often do a vanishing act when the going gets tough - she is obviously a very loyal friend.

Interestingly, Rod would sometimes laugh at inappropriate times and I had forgotten about that; just another nasty that PSP threw into the pot.

Keep doing what you are doing, Kim, it’s hard I know but you are doing it your way and that’s the way to go whilst you can. Much respect to you.

Love Hils


bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to HilsandR

Well Hils, you know my 'daily mantra' ... find the joy girl! We have to laugh, or we definitely CRY (not that we don't, or at least I do) --- Interesting thing is Mom is showing more neutral emotion these days. She doesn't cry much anymore at all --- she used to, but not in the past 6 months. Emotion is neutral -- except for the moments of controlled or out of nowhere giggles.

Yes, that is my dear friend Linda -- she is my go-to always. Between her and my husband, I do not know where I would be honestly. Here's an interesting story: Before this new life, I travelled internationally in my profession, and about 12 years ago, a high school classmate via social media asked me to go to lunch --- and while we were out and about, she wanted to stop by "an old friends house" for me to see .... that summer afternoon, we pulled into a driveway, and out came Ms. Linda -- smiling from ear to ear! I had not seen that face since I was 18 years old, walking across the stage at high school graduation, you see -- Ms. Linda is one of my former High School teachers! She was my volleyball, basketball and track coach! I completely believe that everything happens for a reason, I truly do. Ms. Linda ended up traveling with me for quite a few years, and then came on board with our staff as an "education liaison" ... and today -- she remains by side in caring for her "dear sister friend", my Momma. :) Crazy how life comes full circle.

So ... game night has been great, but it is even better that we have found a few games that works for my sweet Momma too! We found that "Break the Ice" was no -- she just slammed that ice! But -- she really likes "KERPLUNK" -- so fun, her anticipation of those marbles tumbling offers priceless photos!

Hugs to you Hils -


HilsandR profile image

Totally agree that things happen in our lives that we can’t explain. We walk a path of so many unknowns but often, at a time of most need , we put the pieces of the jigsaw together and find that something/someone has entered into lives that would be the key to something good. In your case ‘full circle’ has brought you a wonderful, supportive friend and to have a friend like Linda is priceless.

Emotion neutral, again, is part of the illness and so darned awful watching as our loved ones are stripped of everything they once were. That’s why it’s so important to grab even the smallest bit of joy with them each day, for as long as possible and I know that’s your mantra.

I remember Kerplunk, my kids loved it and so did I though it’s been in the loft for years now gathering dust. I can imagine mom’s delight at playing that and I’m sure she will manage a few squeals and no doubt you will capture those moments on film. Don’t forget to video as well, though I’m sure you do. My clips of Rod, especially when he was laughing, never fail to pull me out of the doldrums - I really treasure those video moments.

Right, enough of my rambling; I need to go and hose the garden now. May has been a very dry month so the soil and plants need a bit of help.

Love Hils


daddyt profile image

Her smile warms me up.

Tim x

bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to daddyt

Thank you Tim ... it is the very thing I look forward to every single day. So many times, she will be sitting and look like she’s a million miles away in thought ..... and I’ll get down on my knees, and get her to focus on my face with her eyes, and I’ll say, “Momma do you know how much I love you?” She will look at me almost every time, focus with her eyes... and then a big smile appears and she whispers, or her mouth will form the words ... “to the moon and back”

I think my heart literally smiles - I will forever cherish our daily routines, that I have come to love.

Hiking13 profile image

Lovely to see your photos I was just thinking about you both yesterday and wondering how you were getting on. The old games are the best.

Keep smiling

Love Sarahxxx

bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to Hiking13

Hey Sarah!!! We are managing each day as best we can ... some changes, but we adjust as best we can. FYI - I aspire to run someday ... you inspire me, but I am walking!!!! 😉 Congrats on your new grand baby, bundle of joy!

AJK2001 profile image

Glad you are still having good times even as things get harder.

Is your Mum having a smooth diet now? Makes it even tougher when the food they fancy is what makes them cough & choke. But those smiles make it all worthwhile :)

bazooka111 profile image
bazooka111 in reply to AJK2001

👋🏻👋🏻 We are cherishing some of these moments for sure. We have started changing our approach to meals the last couple of weeks... it’s so hard. My hubby is an amazing chef, and has really worked hard on introducing some wonderful meals - Yesterday was Chicken Tortilla Soup 🍜 amazing, and Mom loved it!! We continue to try and smile through the hard moments - xx

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