My wife is in the later stages of PSP.I am looking into Talking books which is a cd and operates with a CD player.Has anyone any experience off this and did they have any success with it.? Please any information.CRowley
PSP listening to stories on audio player - PSP Association
PSP listening to stories on audio player

Yes, we used Audible. My wife enjoyed the books immensely.
The thing I would look for in a CD player is that the buttons are big and that the device is not complicated. If there was a bookmarking option that would be a bonus. She may not need big buttons and a simple player now, but later it might enable her to keep using it when a small button, or complicated device is beyond her.
I hope this helps a little.
Best to you.
If you're in the US most public libraries have a decent collection of books on tape. Some places will even loan you the player if you are a Senior or have a disability.
I don’t know what country you are in but your library system may have audio books available online. I would download them for Larry to listen to.
We got equipment through the IRIS network here in the US, which is free and available through public libraries. They have an extensive catalog of books and provide easy-to-use players with big buttons. Unfortunately, my sweetheart very quickly lost the ability to enjoy listening and never really learned to use the equipment well. Worth a try, anyway, if you are in the States.
In the states you can stream or download audio books for free from the public library using “overdrive” and listen from your computer, iPad or phone. The librarian can show you how.
Hi I use Prime Audio so Hubby listenes to books on computer tablet with ear phones This works well for him I' m in UK
In the US the Library for the Blind will send you the equipment and “books” free. My husband Charles read 300 books. It was a godsend. He enjoyed it so much and so did I.
They send you a catalog so you can read the synopsis etc.
Hope this helps.
I can fully endorse what the other people have replied, my wife gets great please from Audible and downloads from the local library onto her iPad (we are UK based and she has PSP). However I would make one additional comment. She has two ‘Bluetooth’ earphones one linked to the iPad and one linked to the TV - which means that she can listen/watch the TV or read a book and I can be with her and read something else myself - a real godsend for my sanity. I sometimes have to complete the connections because the buttons on the earphones are so small but it is well worth it.
Keep smiling
Mum couldn't concentrate long enough for novels but short stories worked for a while. What she got most pleasure from was the local audio newspaper - sent each week on a memory stick. I had to set it up for her & we tended to listen together, gave us topics of conversation, I quite miss it!
Thank you for your reply.As Patricia can’t do anything,not even press a button .MayI ask where you got the memory stick from? Live in UK by the way Thanks
Sounds similar to Mum, her manual dexterity & poor sight meant she couldn't really do anything for herself. It's hard isn't it.
Contact your local talking newspaper, they also provided us with a specific player device but they work on any computor. They are primarily for blind people but though Mum was eventually registered partially sighted they provided the items to Mum years before this. They were a lovely group of people and were really helpful & friendly.
The RNIB also provide talking books on memory stick.