I can't even walk without help and it's happened too fast, I stretch when I'm in my chair but I want to do something else as I spend a lot of time on my own, can anyone think of what else I can do?
I wish I could run still: I can't even walk... - PSP Association
I wish I could run still

Are you seeing a physical therapist? They might be able to give you exercises to do.
I did get Larry to a Parkinson’s exercise class and did a video for him to do it at home. It is mostly, if not all, sitting on a chair.
If the video doesn’t show this is the title to look up on YouTube:
Copy and paste that into the YouTube search.
I would talk to physical therapist and see if there's a senior center around you. The center may offer some types of exercise classes and even free transport, maybe....
My son took a PD exercise class at our local Y. It was one hour Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The exercises were 90% sitting and the other 10% he stayed in his chair while others walked around. It was all done to music. He really enjoyed it.
On Thursday after noon he had a one hour music class for people with neurological disorders (MS, PD, stroke recovery, etc), It was held at the State University.
I remember how much he looked forward to those classes. The obvious fact was that you need someone to drive you to the classes and make sure you get in and out safely.
Good luck!
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Hi Knitting:
My hubby with cbd enjoyed aquafit for a long time. He couldn't move well but in the water which supported him, it didn't matter. His Neuro said being in a diff environment like water was good for the brain.
PS: In our pool one can do "water walking" and "water running" as well.
Good luck!
Anne G.
I don’t know where you are in the uk, but my doctor referred me to the physio at our hub, who put me forward for the day centre at our local hospice. Absolutely brilliant. I get to use their exercise bike (sitting down in a chair as my balance is shot) ,their physio showed me how to do chair exercises, I get a head massage to help with the neck stiffnesss and there is a singing group to help with problems with speech and swallowing, though not too bad at the moment. They pick me up,at no cost,and my husband brings me home after work. My physio at the hub got me onto our local activity group(paying)which is hard work but the tutor is brilliant as she has looked into CBD and gives me alternative exercises on the various work stations if I can’t manage.
You do have to persist as with all these things, and I have done it mostly on my own as my husband works full time and struggling to come to terms with our changed life. Hope this helps. I’m in Norfolk and on my own most days but at least I have something to look forward to on two days a week.
Originally,the day centre was just for about 8 weeks but as my condition has got worse they’re letting me keep my place. Take care and hope you’re able to get something sorted. Jayne
My GP has written to the local St Wilfred 's hospice so I shall hear back from them soon hopefully. I've also got a stationary bike but it was a mistake as I'm unable to get on to it because I'm too short even with a step I feel unsafe.
I would see if you could still find a way to adapt a stationary bike to use - Ruth goes on one most days and just watches TV while exercising. The model she uses cost £80 from Argos - so really cheap. She needs a hand getting on and off, but can be left once seated.
Richard x
I have what is called a Mini Exercise Bike. It sits on the floor in front of my chair for peddling exercise then we move it to a dining table for me to get arm exercise. It is made for both. The tension can be adjusted and peeps or time counted by the machine.
I tried one of those but it kept slipping on the carpet even with a non-slip mat. I couldn't get my legs to do what they're supposed to.
I use it on a silicone mat in the kitchen. Doesn't slip. Then I use it on the mat on a table for my arms.
Same with me. Can’t get my legs to go round and round! It’s really hard to push and make any headway.
I do the jigsaws too but on my I Pad as I can’t pick things up very easily, along with painting by numbers,Patience and lots of word games. I tried Suduko but it takes too much time as I found that unless I finished it in one go,I lost the thread.
Do you play Scrabble on your iPad? I also play games including Scrabble on my iPad I want to keep my brain as active as possible. I have a very stiff and weak left side which makes coordination virtually impossible, unfortunately
I have a scrabble app but have never played. Left side like yours and until physio helped my left leg was dragging like a sack of spuds. Used to line dance but can’t co ordinate left with right, especially tapping a beat to music. Also my neck gets stiff so can’t move it round and had to give up driving as couldn’t push down the clutch.
Hi, Stephanie. Were you a runner? I was and miss it very much. After I lost the ability to walk without holding on to something, I concentrated on using my stationary bike and exercises I could do in a chair. There are so many videos on YouTube! It takes me a couple hours every afternoon to go through my routine.
Are you still able to knit? I can no longer knit because my right hand and arm are severely affected but I am still crocheting because my husband made a crochet hook holder for me!!
The other things that I do to pass time is work on 1000 piece puzzles. It started with a puzzle that I just loved and didn’t want to take apart so we learned how to keep the pieces together and frame them. I now make them for everyone, they love them.
I also am able to use a motorized wheelchair so I can take my sweet dog for walks. She never leaves my side and walks right next to me.
I didn't run every day but I really enjoyed walking in the countryside and long walks along the coast which is just 10 minutes walk away, and we'd walk through the fields to get to it.
I knit but I have felt lately that it is so difficult I really love knitting and I'm loathe to give it up. I've got so much wool that it's like a small shop
I used to walk a 7 mile route through the woods at Walt Disney World each weekend to identify and count butterflies for the North American Butterfly Association (NABA). After the counting walk I would occasionally do the route a second time just for pleasure. Now I have to take a Rollator or Mobility Scooter everywhere. I choose based upon expected length of walking. My VA doc believes I may be using a wheelchair within a heart based on the progression and falls.
Can you use a recumbent bike? Sounds like you may need help getting in and out but something like this may get you through the fields if there is a trail of any sort. Mobo Triton Pro: The Ultimate 3-Wheeled Cruiser, Adult. I am sure there are a lot of varieties but just something I found that wasn't too expensive.
I can't ride a non-stationary bike because of my balance.