Has anyone had experience of CBD sufferer's going to the loo excessively at night, say10 times. in researching for my dad, it seems Parkinson patients excrete a hormone (AVP)at night that affects urine production. Gp cant find anything wrong with prostate, ect. Curious if this affects CBD patients as well.
Going to the loo at night (cbd): Has anyone... - PSP Association
Going to the loo at night (cbd)

Hi Signor, yes it does.
Was the first symptom I can recall on our journey. Don't remember any answer being forthcoming, sorry. Someone else may have an answer.
My journey was some time ago.
Jen xxx
Thank you
See if you can find others on this site who live nearby. They may have suggestions for specialist help. If you look up 'others who live near you' when you long touch an emoji. I know there is quite a following south of London.
I am not much help as I live in New Zealand!
Jen xxx
Dad, CBD, was up quite a few times during the night to use the bathroom. As he needed more help I was up also making sure he didn't fall. Eventually after talking to his doctor we tried external catheters with very good results. It allowed everyone to get a better nights sleep.
Thankyou, Gp is bit slow, I would like him to go to the bladder clinic, but there is no joined up thinking regarding CBD in east sussex, but that may be a solution, that or pads. It's getting him to accept it, (pride) is the problem, that's why I want a nurse to suggest it.
It takes time to convince the patient to accept the fact that they have an incontinence problem...my husband is very proud....he has had a urology work up which medications were tried without any positive results....after months he has finally agreed to using pads, wearing depends and eliminated using the toilet at night by using a urinal instead....it was a very slow process after many accidents and several falls in the bathroom ...I also have a soft quilted waterproof, machine washable 40” by 50” pad that he sleeps on which goes over the sheets, in case of leakage...purchased on Amazon....it works very well and eliminates wet sheets and embarrassment for him and possible infections (UTI) from catheter use.
Patience and persistence....hope this helps...take care,
Thank you, I think this will be the way to go, i can't see him or my mum, putting a Condom type collector on, and disposing of the contents, at their age, they are very private. I like the idea of the mattress protector.
So glad this is a possibility...just be sure he sleeps directly on the pad...it’s made to help changing sheets and the pad can be washed and dried very quickly in the machine for each day if necessary...if you send me your email, I will forward the link to the product on Amazon....you can use private message from this site...
Good luck and take care....Kathy
My husband had PSP not CBD and this was a real challenge. He had Accupuncture - tibial nerve stimulation a 12 week course followed by a monthly top up. This improved frequency at night and by day though never the urgency. Also reduced the number of falls considerably.
Love Tippy
Thank you, something to consider, but maybe to costly for us.
Sorry Signor, this is the big battle with both CBD/PSP. Get to the bladder and bowel clinic. Don't take NO for an answer. In my case the GP didn't have a clue about anything to do with these diseases. The BB clinic, were involved right at the beginning, then discharged Steve. Right at the end they got involved with his bowels, which again the GP or the DN's, thought I was making it all up. They did have answers, but it was too late by then.
So yes, my advise to you, is get your Dad referred to them as soon as possible. AND NEVER EVER let them discharge him.
Sending big hug and much love
Lots of love
Thank you so much anne, its been a complete nightmare, with all of the professionals, and unfortunately the gp is clueless, and pill happy. I have had to get referrals myself by begging, you are caught in a trap between not being parkinsons, there is, no coordinator for patients, plus my dad is 87 my mum is 83, they come from a generation where doctors can't be questioned, so I am seen as some sort of heretic. The GP told my dad that his issue is that he is betting frailer!!! , whatever happened to the doctor being the drug. I bet they never said to prince phillip!! Thanks once again. Peter.
It's very definitely a CBD problem - far worse at night than during the day. I think if your parents want to stay together then you will have to sort out use of catheters - there's information elsewhere about male external catheters. There is no way that your mother should be having to help your father with getting up so many times a night with the risk of falls that goes with CBD. Mum (85) has had to move into a nursing home because we couldn't cope with getting called by her alarm system to pick her up when it got to the stage when she fell three times in one night.
By the way did you get anywhere with the botox?
Hi, messier, thank you, yes we had a good result with the botox, however the dose was a mild one, and the effects were not long lasting. We are back at hurstwood park next week, so hopefully dr nisbet, will use a stronger dose, and the effects will be slightly longer. Cheers peter.
Hi Signor yes my husband has PSP first they said CBD and yes 7 or 8 times a night for the toilet I used to get up to the sound of the bell but now I just get some really good night time pads as I say I’m on the day shift only now after 4 years of doing night and day and yes I’m sorry about his dignity but I need my sleep too if I’ve got to handle him in the day
I still get up occasionally if he is very wet or cold as he can’t manage to put the blankets back on but not for anything else !!
Good luck my friend take care of yourself
Irene 😊
Thank you for your comment and well wishes. Peter
Hi Signor:. Yes my (cbd) hubby had this symptom. Docs didnt have a clue. Like Messier, it happened way more at night. Some neuro signal gone haywire I guess. The constant sleep disruption was the worst for me, as he could recover sleep during the day. Funny that he DIDN'T have the symptom when he slept during the day........
Best of luck in the fight!
Anne G.
Yes, it's taking its toll on my mum, the going for a wee at night is called "nocturia", in parkinsons a hormone is secreted (avp) which affects night time production of urine, so I guess a similar effect for CBD.