2 years on: Exactly 2 years ago my very best... - PSP Association

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2 years on

Gadgetgeek profile image
17 Replies

Exactly 2 years ago my very best friend and partner died. I miss her words of wisdom and sense of humour every day.

Where has the time gone?

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Gadgetgeek profile image
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17 Replies

Grief swallows up time. Two years probably feels like a few weeks. Ever so slowly the hurt subsides.

Gadgetgeek profile image
Gadgetgeek in reply to

On some days it feels a lot longer, others it could be yesterday, but one thing is for sure, however much I don’t want it to life carries on.

Kevin_1 profile image

Hello Gadgetgeek

So good to hear your words again.

Yes, time moves so quickly sometimes.

I guess am just thinking thanks for all of your contributions here and sitting with you in my thoughts for a moment.



Sadly and warmly


Gadgetgeek profile image
Gadgetgeek in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks Kevin, I still read the daily posts here, don’t comment very often as I feel I have nothing to contribute

Dadshelper profile image

It's been nearly 14 months since dad passed. It honestly doesn't seem like that much time has past. I recall fond memories of him often and that helps.


Gadgetgeek profile image
Gadgetgeek in reply to Dadshelper

I am sure that this second year has flown by quicker than the first. Time is a peculiar thing.

SewBears profile image

I’m sorry about the loss of your beautiful partner. It must be a very strong void for you but I do hope that you’re keeping busy and living life for the both of you now.

I kind of feel like I’ve been living in a fog and that sometimes I’m losing my mind right along with my partner. Every Saturday night I refill all of hubby’s pills for the following week and I think to myself “we made it another week, already?” I don’t know where the time goes either but we carry on. If you’ve seen my Lion/Kitty painting, right now I’m feeling like a small Kitty, insecure and overwhelmed. I’m sleep deprived so I’ll chalk it up to that.

Keep on keeping on even through the fog. I’m thinking about starting a new hobby. I need an old fashioned hand crank ice cream maker to start toying around with my half a century year old ice cream recipes handed down from my grandma and then my mom. It’ll give hubby and I something to do and delicious things to talk about. Sounds fun, eh? Or maybe it just sounds like work. I’m undecided now. See... I’m getting loopy.

Hang in there and I’ll try to do the same!

❤️ from I SewBears

Gadgetgeek profile image
Gadgetgeek in reply to SewBears

SewBears your message has made me smile, the loopiness will keep you going! My friends and family keep telling me I’m as a loopy as ever (hopefully in a good way).

Gadgetgeek profile image
Gadgetgeek in reply to SewBears

Oops hit the wrong button!

Yes I keep busy, and fill each day with lots of things to keep my mind active. I live with a degenerative cervical spine so that keeps me busy too!

I am retraining to become a counsellor. The counsellor that I see at the local hospice has been encouraging me to become one, and I hope that I will be able to volunteer at the hospice as a counsellor once I am qualified - only another two years to go, but it would be good to give something back.

Keep strong.

AJK2001 profile image
AJK2001 in reply to Gadgetgeek

That's a lovely & brave thing to do, good luck. :)

SewBears profile image
SewBears in reply to AJK2001

I agree with what AJK2001 said, “lovely and brave”. I hope that your spine is manageable and not too painful, or that you’re able to manage the pain with proper treatment. Best of luck to you!


journeyofjoy profile image
journeyofjoy in reply to SewBears


I'm so glad you've brought up the subject of being loopy. Sandy and I laugh at some of the weirdest things, usually at how difficult things are and how far down the road we are compared to when we were a "normal" couple with a "normal" life. I think being hunkered down together in a life like this just changes you, makes you different and maybe somewhat odd, compared to your former self.

We watched a comedian last night on TV - had some really great belly laughs. His name is Jim Gaffigan. If you find him on TV or YouTube, listen a while. I think he's hilarious. Of course, it may be because I'm loopy.

SewBears profile image
SewBears in reply to journeyofjoy

I’ll look for the comedian that you mention. Thank you for the suggestion. Laughter is the best medicine of all!

journeyofjoy profile image
journeyofjoy in reply to SewBears

Yes, laughter is so good for us. Last night we laughed a lot.

Tonight I'm crabby. Just a tiring day and I get tired of the same old routine of caregiving. Maybe I should start doing some of the tasks with my eyes closed to add a little interest.

Sorry, I needed to gripe. I wonder, sometimes, how many years are ahead of us. This is hard work. I thought we were supposed to be having fun, traveling, going to Arizona in the winter. We don't win either way in this situation - exhausting work or you lose your loved one.

I think I need some sleep. Tomorrow is another day. Thanks for listening, SewBears.


I may go in his room and turn on another episode of that comedian. It may be a good way to end the day.

SewBears profile image
SewBears in reply to journeyofjoy

What channel or network? We, I mean “I” data stream everything.

Today my husband told me he wanted a drone and I said to myself on the inside “wtf?” Lol. I suggested that we find a neighbor who has a drone and spend the day watching them play with it before we buy one. That seemed to do the trick. Now granted... my husband cannot work an appliance of any kind so a drone is completely out of the question. Maybe a kite would be more fun 🤷‍♀️ pardon my loopy language but for cryin out loud! Sleep well my friend!

journeyofjoy profile image
journeyofjoy in reply to journeyofjoy

Just went in and caught another hour of Jim Gaffigan. Some more great laughs! We watched it on Amazon Prime but I notice Netflix also has several of his shows. Do you have either one of these providers?

You may be a little too busy to be acquiring and operating a drone. Or maybe it'll open up a whole new world for you. haha. At least your hubby still has a sense of adventure in wanting to do something new.

doglington profile image

Hi. It's 2 years for me too and I have found it more of a struggle than I expected

I am doing all the right things but I just miss him.

Hug from Jean xx

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