A Cold, Constipation, Mice and an OS Upgrade. - PSP Association

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A Cold, Constipation, Mice and an OS Upgrade.

30 Replies

I have a cold making caregiver especially trying. No rest for the weary.

Larry is now constipated after having had diarrhea.

I am experienced a mouse invasion with the weather turning colder.

Brought the last three house plants back in this morning. There is frost in the area.

The Mac OS upgrade doesn’t like this site making it had to type things.

30 Replies
enjoysalud profile image

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Hang in there!

Los Angeles, CA, USA

in reply to enjoysalud

It’s always something. The roof is leaking into my bedroom closet. After they did a patch it stopped raining for a month and a half. We had a northeaster the other day and the leak was back. The roofer was here today. Says he will be back in the morning to do major patching. The next big storm is tomorrow night. I do have a large plastic pan catching what comes in.

enjoysalud profile image
enjoysalud in reply to


racinlady profile image
racinlady in reply to

As the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours".


doglington profile image

Poor Jeff. It's a bad time for you.

A big hug from Jean xxx

in reply to doglington

A perfect storm. Today is a little better with a night’s sleep.

Tippyleaf profile image

Oh Jeff you couldn’t make your challenges up if you tried!!! Out of all of those challenges the one I always dreaded was the constipation, but the mice and frost not pleasant either!!! Sincerely hope all four challenges are soon resolved .

My current challenge seems to be the inability to make decisions!!! Reading of your challenges is putting mine into perspective- thank you 🙏

Sending you lots of love and a big hug

Tippy xxx

in reply to Tippyleaf

Thanks. I know I am not the only one going through this stuff. This website makes it abundantly clear.

Dadshelper profile image

I hated not feeling good when I was caring for Dad. All you want to do is rest but you can't.

We walked a fine line with constipation and diarrhea. Not enough laxative would promote one, too much and then other reared it's ugly head.

Hope everything settles down for you soon.


in reply to Dadshelper

Better out than in is what I have to remember. I am not going to let him go a day without some sort of laxative.

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to

I agree. Anything better than constipation !!!


SewBears profile image

It’s so hard being a caregiver when you are suffering with a cold. Ugh! What a difference a good nights sleep can make though. We tackle one day at a time. That’s how I handle chores that need attention. I start a list and check them off as I go. You’re doing a great job with Larry.

Mice, holes in roof, constipation, oh my! You have a way of making things sound comical even when they aren’t. Sharing your story really helps to put things into perspective. Thanks for the post and keep on keeping on. That’s about all we can do.

❤️ I SewBears

rnpacu profile image

Hi Jeff,

I know you aren't trying to be funny but you always make me laugh 😂😆 .sorry your day has gone down the hill 😞.Remember tomorrow will bring a new day .and hopefully you will be able to make it a good one . Just take one day at a time. Knowing that you are doing a great job . And I keep you in my prayers 🙏 hoping you continue to get a good night's rest .

Maria Elena

in reply to rnpacu

It was the cold that was the worst part. That day was the day it peaked. The last thing I needed was any extra work. Things are better today.

patch33 profile image

Sending you strength and a big hug Jeff.

Do you know there are ultrasound devices to keep mice away ? They work for my friends place here in france , you just plug them into a socket.

I still keep reading all of your posts and think about you often.

Dawn, xx

in reply to patch33

I have seen them. Wasn’t sure they worked. That may be my next step. Spring traps, glue traps and home made poison hasn’t worked. The over the counter mouse poison was changed and what is sold is no longer effective. I have what I hope is only one brazenly running around in the living room.

Railfan profile image
Railfan in reply to

In our previous home on a lake we had mice invade twice in 3 years. Tried all those items as well. What worked was an electric zapper that we baited with peanut butter. There is also a spray foam that is unpalatable to them. I sat outside at dusk to see where they left from and filled the cavity with the foam which expands and hardens. If you go the foam route, listen to my voice of experience and be sure to wear disposable gloves and a long sleeve shirt you don't mind losing as the foam is very hard to remove from skin and clothing.

in reply to Railfan

I have used the electric trap in the past. These mice learn everything I throw at them. I caught one last night by moving a glue trap to a spot it had never been. Taking them by surprise is the only way to catch them.

The foam at the point of entry would be good. I’m not sure where it is. Somewhere at the back of the house is my thought.

ncgardener799 profile image

One Day At A Time, the constant shift between our own needs and those of the people we care for. A very difficult balancing act for sure. Hugs to all!! Pat

in reply to ncgardener799

I am surprised I haven’t had a cold sooner. I should be good for a few years after this on ends.

AnneandChris profile image

Oh Jeff

I do sympathise, I too have had a virus which doesn't want to seem to go, so feeling low and Chris too has had major constipation this week. I think we might have cracked it today as the earth seems to have moved.

The trials and tribulations of living with someone who has PSP means that we can never predict one day to the next.

Hope you feel better soon, keep on keeping on.



in reply to AnneandChris

We are on parallel tracks. Hope you feel better soon.

Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Oh Jeff hope you feel better soon, sorry to hear about all your problems, I hate mice, I have the plug in things, not sure if they work? Have to wait and see, hope you get your roof sorted. I am in Cyprus for Georges memorial service, had lots of rain in the afternoons xxxx

in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

I seem to be over the worst part of the cold. Larry seems to be getting it. Not sure how that will go.

There’s one less mouse in the house tonight. It’s a battle of whits to catch them. We seem to be breeding more intelligent mice. I keep seeing things out the corner of my eyes moving.

The worst of the current storm has been to my east. It is raining here but I don’t think the leak is active. A driving northeast wind and heavy rain seems to be what the leak needs.

journeyofjoy profile image


Really? Do you wonder sometimes why there isn't a limit on "things" happening all at once? When I found out that a person could have MS...AND a second or even a third brain disease, I was shocked that there were no rules against it.

I know Larry is on Hospice now. Have you looked into the five day respite? Rumor has it that if you are on Hospice, you can go to a Hospice care facility for five days while your caregiver goes and does whatever they darn well please.

I sure hope you check this out. Larry will be fine without you for five days. Absolutely. And if you haven't already, you might want to get started with the process because who knows how long it could take to actually GET that five day respite.

Just my two cents. :)

in reply to journeyofjoy

Reading this site I did find out other people have a list of other things going on. PSP on top of the rest really isn’t fair. Larry only has PSP other then that he’s fine. He is slowly fading. He may fade for another year or two.

The five day respite has been talked about. The hospice nurse what here yesterday checking on him. We talked about it again. I think it will be happening soon. I really need 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep.

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to

I hope you get it soon. It saved my sanity. But it is hard to leave him too.


in reply to doglington

I have been doing this for 4 years and almost 8 months. Over that time his dependency has grown. I will miss him but I need a break. I feel sorry for the staff who get him. I warned the nurse yesterday it is a lot of work to do.

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to

They will manage !

They will tell you how well you are doing too !


raincitygirl profile image

Oh yeah..."Catalina"... Don't get me started on that one! I'm not impressed...😠

Anne G.

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