So last night my mum tried to od by taking to much insulin I'm running out of ideas on how I can make her life better and feel let down by our social team who don't seem helpful and a doctor who just brushes it under the carpet
Tried ending her life: So last night my mum... - PSP Association
Tried ending her life

Are you 100% sure she tried to OD on purpose? She may have just been confused on whether she had taken a dose or not. I ended up administering all of dad's med. He would forget to take them or think he did when he didn't etc.
Your poor dear mum. We can certainly sympathize with her...
Is she taking an anti depressant? Every bit of chemical lift she can get, she deserves. If the doc won't prescribe it, get another doctor!! Negligence is unethical.
Hugs XX
Anne G.
How very sad for you all. Is she under a Neuro Psychiatrist?? We found their input along with Hospice support invaluable as my husband had similar thoughts.
Love Tippy
Your poor mum must feel so desperate at the thought of what the future holds that it's understandable that she tried to put an end to it, it was something I was always afraid that Ben would try, especially in the early days when he was still able to do things for himself. He looked into Dignitas, I found lots of stuff on the computer he was researching re Dignitas, he never actually followed that route but I know he would have consented to Assisted Dying if it were legal in the U.K. Some people just do not want to suffer the effects of these terminal illnesses and I can't say I blame them. It's hard for those who love and care for them knowing that their loved ones are feeling so desperate inside but we are compelled to try to do everything possible to keep them strong and hang onto life, difficult to say who right and who wrong!
Love Kate xx
I see my mum and how she is now and I feel that I would do exactly what your Mum tried, if I had the same diagnosis. Sorry that is probably not particularly helpful, and I know controversial, just my opinion.
However, my mum is on antidepressants to help with the low times and even though their care is mostly done by carers, as my Dad is in a wheelchair due to MS, they have both told my sister and I that they like their life together. I guess we can't really know what something feels like until we walk in their shoes!
I hope you all find a way forward and your Mum is able to feel the love from everyone and can focus on that and not the diagnosis/prognosis.
Thank you guys she doesn't want to take anti depressants