Small USA meeting: It turns out that Mottsie... - PSP Association

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Small USA meeting

Dadshelper profile image
53 Replies

It turns out that Mottsie, Granni B, and I live very close to each other. We were thinking of meeting the same time as the Brass Monkey gathering but neither of us felt like being up and about by 6am haha.

We had brunch at a little place called The Hen House. Very good company and food. This is us after eating and chatting.

Ron and Granni B.

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Dadshelper profile image
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53 Replies
Helen119 profile image

Wow that’s really nice, so pleased for you both.

Helen xxxx

in reply to Helen119

Hi Helen, it was so nice meeting Ron & his family today.

We had a special bond immediately as l figured we would. Our snow is melted so it was an easy drive. We hope to enjoy an Ax Throwing Day in the Spring. Granni B

doglington profile image

How lovely. Wish I could have been there. Love Jean xx

in reply to doglington

It was very nice. You would have enjoyed the company & the food. But our next get together will be a sillinessfest with axes. It really is too bad we all don't live closer. But l must say that making friends all over the world on this sie has uplifted my spirits. Love & Hugs... Granni B

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to

It was a life saver for me too. So great to feel part of a knowledgeable family.

Love Jean xx

in reply to doglington

I agree Jean.

I found it interesting that for just a moment we each had considered dropping off this site. But as Ron's wife said, "You have information that can help others." She is a wise young women.

It is comforting to be surrounded by knowledgeable & understanding family members 'All Around The World'. Love & Hugs... Granni B

Ettavb profile image
Ettavb in reply to

Thank you for Ron’s wife and to you Granni B and everyone who shares their experiences and advice on this site. In talking to a long time friend last night, she wondered how I was able to manage things and I credited finding this group.

in reply to Ettavb

I totally agree about finding this group & giving everyone credit for helping me find the information l needed on several issues when l did not know where to turn. It feels good to be of service in some small way. Sending U Hugs... Granni B

dollydott profile image

Oh how wonderful

So lovely to see you together

Great photo of you both.

Made me smile 😊

Lynda xx

in reply to dollydott

Good Morning Lynda, it was wonderful to meet Ron & his lovely wife & his mother in law (she had the best looking french toast with strawberries & whip cream l have ever seen). I am already looking forward to our next get together. (I got lots of hugs & you know me, the more the merrier.)

Ron says he might try making Chocolate Covered Strawberries for his wife for Valentines Day. I added the recipe to Tim's post about books & Valentine's Day. I told him it is really easy so l hope he is successful. If not... l am certain it will be a fun memory. Love & Hugs... Granni B

dollydott profile image
dollydott in reply to

Sounds like a perfect day Granni B. I am so glad you had such a lovely time.

I wish you many more 🧚‍♀️

hugs to you

Lynda 😊

Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Lovely photo xxxx

in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

Thanks Yvonne, it was heartwarming meeting Ron & his lovely family. Sending hugs... Granni B

Kevin_1 profile image


Great photo.

Tell me, you did frisk Gannie B for concealed axes? :)

So good to put faces to names.

You look great.

Dadshelper profile image
Dadshelper in reply to Kevin_1

I should have! I did get an invite to a future ax throwing event though :)

in reply to Kevin_1

Kevin you are too funny...l don't even have holsters or a card to legally carry axes. Sending hugs... Granni B

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to

And would that stop you if you had a mind to do different? :)

I am so pleased to see your face at last.

You look like the highly intelligent and sussed lady imagined.


in reply to Kevin_1

How sweet Kevin... but what is sussed?

Love & Hugs... Granni B

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to

Sussed... Worked out, knowing. on the ball.



in reply to Kevin_1

Oh Kevin that is too funny... l have started Working Out a little... & Knowing l fell off the ball a long time ago helps me deal with each new day to the best of my ability. I am happy to add Sussed to my vocabulary... Love & Hugs... Granni B

raincitygirl profile image

Love it when the gang gets together! 👍

And thank you for posting the picture - always great to put faces to names 😄💛💚💜

Anne G.

in reply to raincitygirl

Good Morning Ann, lucky for us it was a beautiful day & the sun was shinning. I guess it was meant to be... l love it when a plan comes together & l get hugs!

Sending U Hugs... Granni B

enjoysalud profile image

That is so cool for you to have posted a photo of you and Gannie B. It's so nice to confirm that a person looks as you imagined them to look.

I greatly appreciated it when Raincity girl posted the photo of her and LostInHeadspace, and I got lots of great responses when I posted a photo of me and Christine47 at UCLA. BTW, approximately once a month Christine and I still meet for a hug, lunch, and visit at UCLA.

I hope U and GrannieB continue your visits in person. You both look as kind as your shares.

Blessings............rainy and cold in Los Angeles, CA, USA

in reply to enjoysalud

There is something special in the air when you finally meet someone who understands where you have been... very comforting. I am so glad to know you still get together for a hug... so very important!

I hope in the future you and Christine have an opportunity to touch base with Kerry (lnparadise).

Inparadise profile image

I am in San Diego........would love to meet up!


in reply to Inparadise

Good Morning Kerry, its 3am here & l cannot sleep so l am enjoying my first cup of coffee with you. I noticed you joined in November. l joined in October. I am 70 & this is the first time l joined an online group & l am so glad l did.

There is a lot of information here, l hope you find the answers you need. Everyone on this site is so helpful & willing to share their experiences in hopes of helping others. Sending Hugs... Granni B

stephanotis profile image
stephanotis in reply to Inparadise

Hi Kerrie, I live in San Diego area. I don't know much about you since you have not written about yourself. But if you don't know yet there is a PSP support group in La Jolla ( meet once a month) and Parkinson's support groups in North County, various cities.

Inparadise profile image
Inparadise in reply to stephanotis

Thanks. My husband was diagnosed in October. He has been having a lot of balance issues and falling. His eyes seem to be deteriorating, and he has been having angry outbursts directed at me, for no reason at all. We have an appt with Dr Irene Litvan in two weeks.....I don’t know what she can do anything for him, or if she can. I am just trying to take things one day at a time, protect my husband from falling and being injured, and scheduling as much travel as he/we are able to for as long as he is physically able to.


stephanotis profile image
stephanotis in reply to Inparadise

Sorry to hear that. I had been in your position for years. Anytime If you need help with resources let me know. Just give me your email or phone number privately so I can contact you. I don't know how to send it privately though, maybe others can help you how to do it .

Inparadise profile image
Inparadise in reply to stephanotis

Any help regarding resources would be greatly appreciated.

Katiebow profile image

Wow, that's brilliant to know that you two were able to meet up, share stories and have a giggle. I found it immensely life affirming to meet with people you already have made a connection with at the Brass Monkey and look forward to our very casual rendezvous over a few glasses of wine. Have to thank Amanda for having the notion and drive to organise these lovely events, bless her.

Take care

Love Kate xx

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Katiebow

Hey we had meet before!!!

Lots of love


Katiebow profile image
Katiebow in reply to Heady

That's true Anne, my mistake. So sorry you weren't able to make it, I'm down in Bristol for half term but am looking after Billy for most of it. I'll see if I can manage to sneak off god a few hours if you are around, probably be a Monday as My daughter in law doesn't work then, how are you fixed? xxx

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Katiebow

Love too. When is half term? Not got kids at school to know the dates!!!

Lots of love


Katiebow profile image
Katiebow in reply to Heady

I'll find out tonight from J as not too sure myself, know it's later this month. xxx

Heady profile image

That's absolutely wonderful! To actually talk to someone who knows exactly what you are going through, is worth it's weight in gold. Hope you meet again soon.

Lots of love


in reply to Heady

Yes it is Ann... Priceless!

AJK2001 profile image

Lovely photo, thanks for sharing. Hope you get to meet up many more times. :)

Beads0122 profile image


That’s great. I love the photo. Which state is that? I googled The Hen House and was surprised to see so many in the USA(Minnesota, Arizona, Vermont, and Texas).



Dadshelper profile image
Dadshelper in reply to Beads0122

That particular one is in Illinois, very near the Missouri state line. Granni B lives in IL and I live in MO. The Hen House was kind of in the middle. I looked online and it's just Hen House not The Hen House, my mistake :)


Beads0122 profile image
Beads0122 in reply to Dadshelper

Oh. Still a little too far from us in Texas.


Cuttercat profile image

How nice. Where do you both live? I think I’m too far away.

Such an adorable photo!


in reply to Cuttercat

We are in Missouri & lllinois... not tooooo far from each other. Ron had shared information about his dad's doctor before & mentioned we were not very far from one another. I am so happy we were able to meet... it was iffy because of the weather. But our snow melted & we actually enjoyed a warmer sunny day. To bad our friends across the pond at the Brass Monkey were not as fortunate. I hope they plan another get together soon for those who could not attend. Sending Hugs... Granni B

NannaB profile image

Lovely picture. It’s so good being with others in a similar situation. Your ax throwing day sounds interesting. My 8 and 12 year old grandsons have been shown how to chop wood safely ( much to the horror of their neighbours) but I don’t think I’ll mention ax throwing to them. Social Services may come knocking.


in reply to NannaB

I think it is great that your grandson's know the right way to chop wood. (I would not have allowed my sons to throw axes when they were 8 & 12... soccer injuries & the trips to ER were more than enough for me.

Nana B, we do have rules for Ax Throwing:

1. Children must be 13 with parents in attendance. Ron's son is thirteen & he will be our youngest so far. Our 16 year old neighbor gave it a try & he loved it.

2. Unhappily married couples are not allowed near the axes. (Safety First)

3. Alcohol is not allowed. The New Ax Throwing Business in town allows customers to bring in food & alcohol... l cannot imagine how much their insurance is... or how long they will be open for business. I do wish them luck, they are a lovely young couple. Sending hugs... Granni B

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to

I had to laugh at number 2 Mottsie, and your comment about trips to ER. When my 3 sons were young the A&E (ER) was held in two different hospitals on different days of the week. Each week it would change so after taking our first son to the wrong hospital, at the beginning of the year I would mark my calendar so I knew where to go when one of the many accidents happened. By the time my 3rd son was able to walk I was very good at first aid and he rarely went to hospital being patched up by me. After they had left home one of the hospitals was demolished to build houses and the new A&E is now a 15 minute walk away from me instead of the slow traffic filled car journeys we used to take.


Skye04 profile image

Am jealous...would love to be able to meet up with such a caring bunch ...anyone on here near Toronto???

I remember being jealous of the Brass Monkey get together & never thought l would be so fortune as to meet Ron in person...

So hopefully, in your future there may be a pleasant surprise! Sending hugs of hope... Granni B

Nanny857 profile image

Lovely that you got to meet up and beautiful photo. xx

Tippyleaf profile image

What a lovely photo. Isn’t it good to meet someone who absolutely understands PSP !!

Love to you both Tippyxxxx

ninalulu profile image

where are you located , I hope is close by

in reply to ninalulu

Good Morning Ninalilu, we are in Missouri & lllinois USA. Where are you? Sending hugs, Granni B

stephanotis profile image

Great picture !

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