New and only asking for my wife.she has psp late talking or walking.could medical marijuana help her?
Psp and marijuana.: New and only asking for... - PSP Association
Psp and marijuana.

At the top of the page (right hand side) is a SEARCH PSP ASSOCIATION. Write in "CBD OIL" and enter. You will get many postings on CBD OIL.
Good question? What kind and how will you administer??
I live in florida. We get it from trulieve. Google it for your area. Cbd rem is what works for her to keep her eyes focused and to keep her talking. Her dose that works for her is 5milligrams every 4 hours. And at night we give her that plus 5 milligrams of sativa to help her sleep and with the restless legs.
Further to Enjoysalud's post, you can also type cannabis into the search window and you'll get lots of post threads. Some say it helps, some say not. It may depend on the particular symptom and probably many other things! There are many things to consider including purity, dosage, who is supplying, what country you are in and the many subjects! Too many for just one post
Welcome to the site.
Anne G.
Would cannabis help with tremors rather than muscle relaxers such as quetiapine and levodopa.
Hi Harleykeeton
Just mentioning Quetiapine is a powerful antipsychotic medication that has side effects of drowsiness. So it is also used when someone is very anxious (such as in fear of flying). I needs to be used with caution as it effectively damps the brain down. People who use it for schizophrenia describe it as being behind a thick sheet of glass with the world on the other side.
Just mentioning.
We've just recently been trying CBD Oil for my husband who hasn't been able to talk for the last 2-3 months. It has enabled him to say a couple of words most days and an occasional full sentence. It has also helped his appetite. Other than those two areas, I don't see much difference. It is nice to get a yes or no answer sometimes. My husband doesn't really have any tremors except when he's angry.
Hi again
There has been no research of Cannabis and PSP that I know of.
Cannabis has two components CBD ans cannabinol.
THC is the psychotropic component and cannabinol has other non psychotropic effects on the body and the brain. Cannabinol is legal in the UK and many parts of America. You might be living in a State of the US or Canada where full cannabis (both components) is legal.
THC has bee found to be helpful in Alzheimer's.
Cannabinol ha been found to help in Parkinson's with tremors and muscle stiffness.
PSP and CBD has crossovers with both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. So one might imagine that full cannabis might help.
However my experience is that CBD oil does help in terms of stiffness and feeling 'body relaxed'. It is important to buy decent CBD oil, there is a lot of poor stuff out there. It is highly unlikely that you will get medical cannabis in the U.K. it is only used for a few limited illnesses. Hence all the kerfuffle in parliament about it right now.
There are quite a few threads on this.
Best to you
Thanks so much
My mom has been on it for around 6 to 8 weeks I think. My days run into each other sorry. The cbd rem is what helps her with her eyes focusing and her being able to talk. Everything else has already stopped working. Her tongue and swallowing are given us problems now. Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose. We get it from trulieve in Orlando Florida. We only live 20 minutes away. Good luck.. Let us know if it works for you