How often do Hospice ppl come to the home? often do Hospice workers com... - PSP Association often do Hospice workers come to the home?
Hi Barbara
The discussions and experience I have (UK) is that they are phenomenally expert and responsive to need.
They come infrequently at first and as needs get greater they come as required.
This is a discussion to have with them.
Talk to them, ask them what is happening and what they think the persons needs are. My experience is that they will respond well.
A good hospice nurse is trained to take into account the carers and close ones needs as well as those of the 'patient'.
If they don't there are other things you might want to ask here.
Where are you, Barbara? It does vary in the US a great deal, depending on the agency involved. We had a great service affiliated with our local hospital, here in central Maine, and they came as much as I asked for.
I have to say I have a very dear first cousin with your name. My mother's maiden name is Palmer.
Best, ec