My father has great diffulty swallowing his Stalevo pills! Does anyone have have any tips on this? Don’t know why we don’t have this drug in liquid form?!,! It’s a nightmare!!
Difficulty swallowing pills: My father has... - PSP Association
Difficulty swallowing pills

Ask the doctor or pharmacy if the medicine can be crushed. If so add to applesauce, yogurt etc.
Don't crush without asking first as some meds are made to be time released and crushing will mess that up.
My Mum manages to swallow tablets in yoghurt. It works OK for her even though she is on puréed diet
Check with doc. GRIND up in blender with shake
If it's time it twice or more. Good luck
Sorry I never got round to replying to thank all of you for replying to my question on swallowing pills!! We are going to speak to the pharmacist. I even thought of using voltarol gel to treat some of the muscle aches and pains!? Also we are using a liquid thickener in his water which helps taking pills. But I think crushing is going to be the answer!!! If we can....we will.
Such a brilliant website this for finding people with similar problems!!! Its so helpful to know we are not alone in this. Thanks for all your replies.