Has any one tried the interactive metronome on line? i saw a post linking to their site . I was not aware that this worked for Parkinsons patients. Have any of you tried it?
interactive metronome: Has any one tried the... - PSP Association
interactive metronome

What is it? What is it for?
Would guess it helps get a rhythm going so that movement is made easier. My man could not put 1cfoot in front of the other, but seemed to find it easier if we counted regularly - 1, 2, 3, etc.
I hi I you are correct honjen. There are some videos on the Internet showing how it works. Too late for my man I think.
No I haven't tried it with my hubby but have looked at the videos on the Internet and see how it could work.
What is it. Has it helped you ? a metronome...like the one on my moms piano, when I was a kid?
Look up interactivemetronome.com. There was a link on this site do not remember who posted it. There is a short video.
Very interesting. I'll pass this information on to the folks in the support group that I lead.