I my wife went to a day care centre yesterday for the first, went to pick her up it was nice too see her with a happy look on her face. Also it was a great break for me just switch off for a few hours, she has agreed to go regularly and might consider going for two days. This all came about with getting a new care manager and mention to her that my wife like to go somewhere that she might be able to try doing some art, the manager got in touch with one of her colleagues and hey presto don't know how long she will be able to do it but when she can't manage then she may be able still to attend the centre
Day Care: I my wife went to a day care... - PSP Association
Day Care

So happy she likes the centre, George goes twice a week, he does not really like Friday's but it gives me a break , well worth the money we pay xxxxx
That's brilliant. I'm so pleased you are getting some time to yourself. Try and do nice things, not just shopping and boring stuff.
Good for you...for the both of you!
It's good to have a break knowing our partners are looked after, and I really think it's good for them to have something away from the home, and in my husbands case away from me! Although he probably wouldn't agree
Thanks to everyone who replied to my day care post and I agree with all the comments thanks xx
Charles has been going to day care twice a week for the last three weeks. It's extra work for me to get him there but the socialization is good. Unfortunately he is so dead tired when he comes home but still worth it.
Don't know how long he will be able to do it as well, but we are still able to walk to the car.
My husband goes to the day care program and likes it. It would be nice if they could be picked up and dropped off at home. They did that in Calgary when we lived there. I live in rural Alberta now and we are lucky to have a program. We were almost denied because my husband is not able to toilet independently. I had to get Alberta Health Care to intervene since they contract the program out. It is resolved and he is loving his Thursday out without me just as much as I like a day to myself.