I just posted a video: uctv.tv/shows/Progressive-S... which is an interview with an expert in the PSP field, and when she said excess contact with metals combined with the weirdness of tau protein seems to create an environment to produce PSP (liberally paraphrased haha,) I nearly fell out of my seat!!! because my dad, my dear ol' Daddy was a SHEET METAL WORKER all his life. He owned his own successful company after working fulltime for employers for many years, all sheet metal. Who knew! Now, my brother is 56 has worked sheet metal all his life and so does his son. I wonder if the harm is done by particles in the air when the metals are cut or if it's by touch or WHAT. It's scary to think something so random and off the wall could be a major contributing factor in the nightmare of PSP. Anyone else????
Did your PSP patient work with metals? - PSP Association
Did your PSP patient work with metals?

My husband never worked with metal. He was a refrigeration design engineer for much of his life and was project managing the alterations of large food halls in supermarkets for the last 15 years or so of his working life. I feel with him it was the years of ulcerative colitis preventing nutrients from being absorbed into his body, but only my theory. Maybe there can be many reasons.
Good morning,
I found this film very interesting. Glad to hear that there is research going on.
My husband worked for 51 years in the leather industry and I have always wondered if the chemicals used in the tanning of leather could have caused his PSP.
Yes Aunt Bev worked with a dintest and we live in a high mercury area where they used to mine
George never worked with metal, he was born in Cyprus in a village, there was a lot of asbestos mined in troods mountains, which was quite away from where they lived, not sure how they got there water, maybe from a well? Will try and find out. I think this all started when he got a really bad bug, he had to go into hospital, for about 4-5 days, I am sure it was from the bug. But then George's cousin died from PSP, which seems strange, maybe it was something from the village, his cousins siblings also died from the same symptoms of PSP. His mum also died at 54 from the same symptoms as PSP, who knows all seems so weird. Yvonne xxxxx
Hello my mum is from Cyprus and has had PSP for the last 5 or so years. Curios. Which village are u from?
George is from a village called chandria up in the troods mountains, where is you mum from? My dad was from famagusta, my mum was English xxxx
Hello. My mum is from Sanidtha a very small village in the Limassol region. They bore the water from the ground as I know they do in much of Cyprus. Later in the 80s and 90s they began using so many chemicals on the fruit trees. They thought it was so good that the cucumbers were getting so large I'm sure it's related - who knows what they sprayed.
There have been several discussions on the subject here. in the past. Search "cause" and see, for example, the post by LyndaEllis from 3 years ago. There was one blacksmith and one sheet metal worker, several folks reference head trauma and stress. There was a theory popular with some researchers some years back linking Alzheimer's to the aluminum in deodorants.
My guy was a wildlife biologist, outdoors most of his career; we tend to believe in a viral trigger. Whatever the environmental factor might be, there has, I think, to be a genetic predisposition, otherwise there would be a more consistent trail of evidence.
I further watched the article with Vincent filoteo talking mainly about the cognitive side ,
John has not been diagnosed with PSP but has Parkinsons .
Although first became aware by the struggling to walk turn etc etc , his poor cognitive side had been always there in lots of little ways . By that I mean ever since I met him at twenty he was twenty three . .
It was just part of him . he would get stuck working out things and I would take over , one day putting a bed together he got in real pickle I had to sort it and he asked me ,'how did you know how to do that .
Luckily I have always been pretty able . Just as well I still am lol .
He was always a poor sleeper and regularly had nightmares .
He told me once that his father use to say , "our John is useless ". Of course he wasn't at all . He worked until he was sixty clerical in within the steelworks going on to become information and press officer . Wrote reams and reams but always with the tiniest handwriting , I don't know how his secretary managed to work it out ! . Another sign
We lived in the coal mining and steel area of S Wales . As far as I know he or his brother who also had Parkinson's never used well water but I lived further down the valley and the only water we had was from a pump . My mother didn't have a very easy life at that time and my father was away at war for six years . No one in our family had or parkinsons for which I am very grateful .
I did find listening about the cognitive side very interesting , it reaffirmed what I thought about it ..
I will go on to listen to some of the other when I have ten minutes to spare .
Sad thing is although they are working hard to find solutions I don't think they will come up with answer in the near future , I do hope I am wrong ....
The husband of a friend passed 18 months ago from PSP he was a farrier whole life spent shoeing horses and mending farm machinery so definitely possible, connection. Trying to link M's PSP to agriculture or metal working not much as we live in a small town on the beach. But she was an active Girl Guide and scout leader for 30 yr so could be the camping trips, hope not.
My husband was an engineer from the age of 16 and worked with metal right up to when he PSP symptoms forced him to retire 6 years ago at age 60
Hi, I couldn't open the video, but I have read everyone's comments. My view has always been, that S was born with PSP, or at least this Tau protein in his system, which has gone on to create PSP! His father worked in a factory making airplanes for the RAF during the war, who knows what horrible crap he had in his body, when S was conceived.
Lots of love
Hi everyone. My husband has worked with metals and cleaning chemicals. Interesting this link. There is another possibility, some people mention outdoors or working with animals. I have wondered about tick borne virus.
my grandmother had Alzheimer's and all my father's siblings (5 sisters) have varying amounts of dementia from very early/very severe to very late/very mild - I think dementia with my dad was mainly genetic - whether it turned into PSP or Azlheimer's or any other detail, may have been environmental - my dad was a tank officer in the army BTW
I have no dealings with metals agriculture or well water. I believe it is just one of those things that are sent to try me and it certainly is.
My Dad was an Electrician from 15 years old until he retired. He is now 75 and has PSP.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back here! but my daughter has been home from university, a 12 hour drive away, and since I'm living with my dad (who has the PSP) and his wife, my daughter is here too, for now. I know my Daddy enjoys having my daughter around so it's been nice. Thank you all for your replies to this question!! Your replies are interesting. I agree there has to be a genetic predisposition just like with cancer and with other serious illnesses, and that there may be more than one environmental factor that sets it off same as with cancer. (I've come to understand cancer a little so it's what I use as a reference point.)
Someone mentioned ASBESTOS.. which is something sheet metal workers (which Daddy was for all his adult life,) are more exposed to than other occupations. That, AND the city water pipes which were newly installed in 1974 were what was then called, "asbestos water pipes". My dear Mama died the following yr from the most aggressive cancer our local large hospital had ever seen. Daddy has remained in the same house, ever since, so for over 50 years.
Now, the city workers, of whom my father's WIFE is one, ironically, will tell you the pipes are protected from the asbestos after all these years because of the GUNK lining the pipes. ( Gunk, how reassuring right!?) So, these 2 connections seem real to me, very possibly, as does one other thing and I should search this site to see about others but, I've read SMOKING may be another connection and boy o boy my Daddy smoked like a chimney for a couple decades, was up to 4 packs a day which had to have been chain smoking. He quit for Mama while she was dying and he never touched them again.
OH! Just as an aside, Daddy's wife who works for the city water dept, was privy to know what they kept on the down low (quiet) that several years ago, this city had the highest rates of colon cancer per capita, than any city in the entire USA.
Yes, someone mentioned aluminum in tin foil, and how about cans we eat food from especially those which aren't lined with the safer white lining and who knows how many other unknown exposures there are in the every day lives of many of us. One safe bet is try to eat as many whole foods as you can and as many of those as possible to be organic and in so doing stay away from canned foods as much as possible, but other than that? What? Don't be a sheet metal worker or shipyard worker because of asbestos exposure and what else would you advise someone reading this who is a young adult trying to avoid the nightmare of PSP Oh, duh do NOT SMOKE. Anything else? I mean, since there are so few answers in the medical community, there are more answers HERE than there!
I am wondering about vaccinations I have read that that they put metals in the brain too
It makes you wonder about having them sometimes xx